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Problem Solution: Global Communications

Essay by   •  July 10, 2011  •  3,063 Words (13 Pages)  •  1,051 Views

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Problem Solution: Global Communications

The Global Communications scenario is based on real life occurrences that every organization has, or will, face at some point in time during their existence. The organization is at crossroads of its existence, in that it is facing a potential crisis of losing its place in the communication market, and the potential mutiny of its employees. This essay will attempt to take these issues that are plaguing Global Communications and provide logical and real time solutions that can be used to provide the organization the ability to continue forward in their pursuit of organizational success.

Situation Analysis

Issue and Opportunity Identification

As the scenario proves, Global Communications is at a crossroads in its existence. Profits are on the decline, and the organization has found itself, for a lack of a better term, between a rock and a hard place. It has many problems, but more specifically, it has found itself in a dilemma with how to compete in an ever-changing and overloaded industry вЂ" world-wide communications.

According to University of Phoenix Scenario (Global Communications (2008)), Global Communications has struggled with finding an adequate solution to reclaim their losses in the communications market. Their decision to outsource many domestic jobs to overseas has been met with much skepticism. They have also opted to involuntarily relocate employees in order to expand their coverage centers, but at a cost to the employee of a 10 percent cut in pay and a cut in the health and dental benefits. All of these tactics may be end up being effective, but some senior management members are concerned that it goes against Global Communications’ reputation as being loyal and fair to its employees.

Stakeholder Perspectives/Ethical Dilemmas

Involuntary relocation of employees could result in a drastic drop in morale, especially if these employees are forced to either accept the relocation or get fired. Global Communications has to understand that there are far more affects on the employee that is relocated than just a pay cut. In a May 2003 online article about the effects on children of relocated families, asks the question, “Is relocation really necessary and, if so, is there greater scope for shorter distance moves (involving less family disruption) in order to meet organizational needs? The benefits, costs and impacts of long distance commuting also have a bearing on understanding when and how it might be substitutable for relocation, and when it might not” (Joseph Rowntree Foundation, 2003). Corporate executives must fully evaluate involuntary relocations due to the potential extended effects on those employees’ families, lifestyles, and overall emotional stability.

Problem Statement

Global Communications will regain a strong share of the communications market by properly evaluating marketing techniques and utilizing successful strategies in order to become a successful communications organization that provides a quality product that is made and supported by a dedicated work force of talented, satisfied employees.

End-State Vision

Global Communications is the standard for global communications for both residential and commercial services. Global Communication prides itself as being an organization that not only provides the consumer with a quality, well engineered product that is backed by our organization’s name, but also provides each and every employee with an opportunity to not only succeed in their professional lives, but their personal lives as well. Global Communications believes in its people and its dedication to excellence and the improvement of the world in which we live in.

Alternative Solutions

Solution #1

Issue: Global Communications is losing money.

Opportunity: Global Communications can bolster their revenues by expanding their coverage areas and outsourcing their marketing to overseas organizations.

Alternative Solution: Concentrate on streamlining processing and reducing/eliminating wasteful ones.

Solution #2

Issue: Global Communications has an internal communications problem.

Opportunity: Global Communications can improve overall organizational health and employee morale by improving communication.

Alternative Solution: Conduct town hall style meetings with the organization to allow everyone in the organization to better understand their role(s) within the organization and how they can effects its success.

Solution #3

Issue: Global Communications is considering relocating employees without fully understanding the effects it could have on the employee, their families, and their overall lifestyle.

Opportunity: Global Communications could ensure employee loyalty by obtaining their opinion on decisions that directly affect their morale.

Alternative Solution: Conduct organization-wide surveys that focus on the issues the organization is facing with all employees.

Analysis of Alternative Solutions

The best alternative solution to Global Communications’ problems would be to investigate alternate ways to save money that don’t affect employees’ livelihood (rated a five). By streamlining processes and developing more efficient methods of achieving goals, the work force does not suffer and the ultimate goal of economical success can be achieved. Getting rid of processes that do not work or that are wasteful is a very easy solution to minimizing the amount of money wasted within the organization.

Conducting town hall style meetings with the organization was rated second with a three due to the fact that this does get the whole organization involved with the problem-solving process. It allows each member of the organization, from the bottom to the top, an opportunity to provide his or her input on what they think could help the organization as a whole. This did not rate higher due to the reality that many of the suggestions that would be given by many of these employees would be either unrealistic of unobtainable. This method of involvement does create more



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