Problem Solution
Essay by 24 • May 16, 2011 • 2,987 Words (12 Pages) • 1,171 Views
Problem Solution: Gene One
Ajada C. Bernard
University of Phoenix
MBA 520
Saleem Mirza
Problem Solution: Gene One
Gene One entered the biotech market with groundbreaking gene technology that exterminated disease in tomatoes and potatoes (Anonymous, 2007). This resulted in farmers no longer having to use pesticides when growing such plants and consumers were pleased to purchase homegrown product that were chemical free. Gene One became a $400 million dollar company in approximately eight years. Because of the rising stock on Wall Street a growing number investor are interested in biotechnology. Gene One, the CEO and his Board believe that the company must keep pace with demand and realize conservative annual growth targets of 40%, the company will have to go public within the next three years. Gene One needs IPO capital for development, advertisement, and marketing to remain successful. The company's goals are to realize its growth targets, establish the company as a strong competitor and show Wall Street that Gene One has the leadership and organizational capabilities to succeed as a public company.
Gene One's management team must unite as one to realize the company's goals. The company's CEO must comprise and execute a clear and concise plan to propel it to the next level. Gene One's CEO and management will need to reconstruct the company's foundation to creating a global and profitable company.
Issue and Opportunity Identification
Gene One has been successful in the biotech industry. However, the company has decided to embark on implementing a new groundbreaking gene technology. In the midst of the new products that have the possibility to increase revenue, the company has faced strife, lack of communication, and ineffective leadership within the company. The company has the opportunity to introduce new technology into the biotech industry. This introduction will allow the company to increase profits and excel as an industry leader. To make the company successful, management will need to put aside difference and communicate more effectively. Gene One will need to establish a strategic plan to introduce the new technology. After careful planning, the company will have to have management that can implement the new product. While Gene One is trying to increase sales and production the company can not loose sight of the employees and the key role the employees play in the company's success. Gene One has the opportunity to increase profits by making several changes in the foundation and culture of the company. The company lacks communication between management and their employees. Through opening lines of communication, having business meeting, and allowing the employee to have an input can boost employee motivation. The issues Gene One is experiencing can be alleviated through structural changes.
Stakeholder Perspectives/Ethical Dilemmas
With the decease in morale, lack of communication, and employee's resigning the stakeholder has been faced with many dilemmas. The stakeholders have to contend with new technology, deadlines, and strategies. The stakeholders also have the dilemma of new products being produced and the deadlines being met. However, if the employees resign, the deadlines will not be met nor will new product ideas be available. The stakeholders are concerned about the new technology and the ability of the employees to meet the deadlines. The employees refuse to communicate to establish clear plan for the introduction of the technology. The stakeholders are doubtful that the team at Gene One will be able to provide the company with the ideas needed for the gene technology.
Frame the "Right" Problem
Gene One will become a profitable biotech company by and implementing a groundbreaking gene technology by conducting accurate research, engaging effective program management, increasing communication, and implementing a strategic plan.
Describe the "End-State" Vision
Gene One will become a global leader in the biotech industry by establishing effective program management, increase communication, and implementing a strategic plan. Effective program management will be adopted into the company's policies within six months. They will also establish a strategic plan to be completed in three months to detail the course of action for gene technology. The implementation plan will precede the strategic plan and shall be integrated into Gene One's mission nine months after the strategic plan is complete. Communication shall be embedded into the foundation; the foundation shall be restructured to change the culture within the company and make the company leaders in the industry.
Identify the Alternatives and Benchmarking Validation
In order to meet their desire goals, Gene One will need to assess the organization make changes within the structure. Many stakeholders believe after restructuring the performance of the company will improve (Shawver, 2005). Management will need to communicate with the employees and determine what their needs are and what will make them happy. Gene One's management will need to work better as a team. First, Gene One will need to come together as a team. Current management will need to show a united front to deal with employee's dissatisfaction. Gene One has the opportunity to restructure and regroup by establishing strong management personnel. Gene One must adopt a new way of communicating amongst employees. The company must equip their managers with effective management skills. Effective program management is the main element they will need to introduce to their organization. Effective program management will ensure the company is organized and has a strong foundation. This foundation will ensure the company is reaching its potential. The company will also need establish a strategic plan. This will give the company a guideline to follow in to achieve success. The plan will outline the policy and procedures to follow throughout the progress of the project. After establishing a strategic plan, the company will need to have an implementation plan. This plan will carry them throughout the project. This plan is the step by step process for