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Proposal to Increase Sales for Moo Milk Products Company

Essay by   •  March 3, 2019  •  Research Paper  •  3,618 Words (15 Pages)  •  910 Views

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With the current growth trend in business technology, it's estimated that in the next 10 years all the electronic gadgets that we interact with will be part and parcel of the ever-growing Internet of things. The internet of things is estimated to comprise of more than fifty billion connected smart devices by the year 2020. This is according to an extensive research conducted by Cisco. Once the transformation of Internet of things (IoT) to Internet of everything (IoE) is accomplished, intangible electronic devices, tangible physical electronic devices, and people will be able to interact seamlessly within the environment. In the next 10 years, all the items and devices that we come across will be part of the virtual and real global integration. For example, to easily monitor sales, IoT soft tokens will be used to tag groceries, milk products, and other goods to enable fridges to read these tags and identify any good that has reached its expiry date. The soft tokens can also allow the user devices to make an order automatically from the supermarket once the product runs out.


Combining real-time cloud software and the hardware for smart packaging becoming a growing trend for many businesses and organizations. IoT is boosting sales for home-based products such as groceries, milk products, and other household commodities. Bill can use this technology to help mitigate the challenges that Moo Milk Products (MMP) company is facing. The Internet of things thin film tokens technology allows the company to package goods with embedded sensors. This sensor is able to monitor and display the products quality information, extend a products shelf life and keep tabs on the freshness of the product. This is also known as smart packaging.

Bill can employ smart packaging to help mitigate the challenges his company is facing. This will allow him to monitor product movement, identify the customers taking advantage of his containers and will also boost the company’s overall sales (Al-Mashari & Zairi , 1999). A new approach is required. This will require the company to invest in production and implementation of tagged products. A department of IT technicians who will monitor the progress of the products is needed to ensure that no vendor tampers with the product before it reaches the end consumer. Once the new system is in place, the losses made from such actions can be mitigated. The various advantages and disadvantages resulting from using the Thin Film Tokens (TFTs) will be discussed in detail in this report. The report will also focus on the different issues associated with IoT application such as privacy issues, TFT control and security issues, security issues and also intellectual property control.



Internet of Things (IoT) can also be termed as a family of technologies whose main goal is to ensure that any object whether digital or not acts as a device connected to the internet. This technology enables the current industries to become more intelligent as parts of the production lines continue to become more interconnected therefore opening ways to new types and areas of business leading to expansion of the company. The TFTs are embedded in the milk and baby formula products. This allows every product to transmit information such as its location, any tampering will also be recorded, the status the product is in and any other relevant information requested (Al-Mashari, M., Al-Mudimigh, A. and Zairi, M, 2003). This makes reuse of the products or any damage easily identifiable. Any fake products will not have the unique company’s identification code, therefore, they can be easily sorted out. An application is developed to read the TFTs and retrieve the whole history of the product.


The best way to handle the very real threat of product loss and boost the sales of both the milk powder and Moo baby formula is to enthusiastically address the issue comprehensively. This means that the whole process of TFTs implementation, tracking, sales-boosting, and product marketing needs to be evaluated together. This is where MMP company has to take a lead in determining an optimal method to support IoT TFTs. Many years of study and research has led to the successful integration of the Near Field Communications (NFC) capability. Constant communication is crucial in tracking the products and also gives an opportunity to use push marketing to all clients with the developed Moo Company products application.

MPP is well placed to facilitate their growth and expansion in China. However, there are a number of issues that may arise from using the IoT TFTs. When it comes to the Internet of Things, the issue of privacy monitoring becomes a major factor. For the customers to successfully use the TFTs application, their personal information will be collected and used. The customers are not certain whether they are being monitored whenever a transaction takes place. Another major concern is the breach of privacy. Hackers may be a threat as they can break into the system and access all the information about the products and the company’s registered clients. For example, a group of hackers known as Anonymous hacked into various federal sites and released private information to the public. The government system was easily breached despite it having the most secure level of security. This means that our system is also vulnerable to such attacks.


In this case, the issues can be mitigated by ensuring that the customers and workers observe a high level of moral values an also implementing a high level of security to prevent unwanted and unauthorized entry into the company’s information database. But since the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, the system will do the company more good. Sale of original quality products will attract more customers, monitoring the products will allow the company to prevent unwarranted tampering and reuse of the company’s products. The use of an application to verify the products credentials will boost the company’s growth into the Chinese markets and also globally by allowing marketing via phone and internet connectivity. This will greatly boost the company’s sale returns enabling it to achieve its intended goal.


Proposal description.

In order to effectively implement Internet of Things (IoT) Thin Films Tokens (TFTs) system, a number of steps will have to be followed and analyzed. This enables the system to be integrated into modules making the process less complex. In this section, I will provide an overview of the opportunity that MPP has by explaining the general method required to implement this solution and at the same time addressing the important practical issues that will assist in ensuring the success of this business changing project.



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