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Pros & Cons Of Imc Channels

Essay by   •  April 27, 2011  •  2,237 Words (9 Pages)  •  2,150 Views

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Marketing is the concept of moving goods from the producer to the consumer. Marketing communication is the way of approaching to the consumer. The most effective way of marketing communication is advertising and so advertising can be referred as marketing communication channel. But there are varieties of ways to attract the consumers. And, a marketer needs to choose the effective way of communicating to their target markets.

Marketing communication channels accomplish a specific communication task with a specific target audience during a specific period of time.

Ref: Kotler, P. Armstrong, G. (2004) Principles of Marketing, 10th Edition, Pearson, Prentice Hall

Among the different marketing communication channels or advertising media, here in this project, I have decided to work on newspaper, television and the Internet. At first, I am going to give a short concept about advertisement and then on that link up will enter into different channels. I am also going to show the strengths and weaknesses of the three chosen media. And the most important part is, in this project I am working on the product Mobile set. All of these media will show how much effective is each one while advertising the mobile set. No particular company of mobile set has chosen but I am considering Mobile set itself as a product.


Advertisement is a concept, which is mostly used by the businessman. This particular source reaches to the target audience in a shortest possible time. As my concern in this project is about Mobile Set, different companies found it as the most effective and efficient source. Because, different improved models of mobile set is coming each and every month and so advertisement is must. Again, marketer needs to change advertisement concept regularly, so that target consumer doesnÐ'ÐŽÐ'¦t get bored.

Advertising is any paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods, or services by an identified sponsor.

Ref: Jugenheimar, W. White, E. (1996) Basic Advertising, 1st Edition, South-Western Publishing Co.

Mobile set is now a most common product in any market. So, the marketers of different mobile companies need to take the advertising decisions very carefully. The advertising decision process can be identified as:

Media Selection

After setting the advertising objectives and budget decisions process, media selection process works as an important part and in this project my full concern is on this part. In general, mobile set producer companies spend lot of money on media.

Mobile set is a vastly used product from the last couple of years. So, before selecting the media types, a marketer needs to think about reach, frequency and impact of the consumers. Though mobile is a vastly used product, still when a new set comes, mainly the students and the top businessman are the main target market for a marketer because these are the people who are always thinking of changing their mobile sets. Again, another concern before selecting media types would be marketer have to think of advertising the new product in all over the world. So, at a time they need to cover a vast market.

Figure: Major Media Types for advertising Mobile Sets

Keeping everything in mind, I think for the marketing of mobile sets, a marketer can think of the different options of media type as newspaper, television, radio, magazines, outdoor and the Internet. Here, I need to discuss about three of them and concerning the target market and other important issues, I decided to go for newspaper, television and the most widely used Internet because I think these mediaÐ'ÐŽÐ'¦s are the most effective way of communicating the target market of mobile set companies.

SELECTED MEDIA: a) Newspaper, b) Television, c) Internet


Newspaper is being counted as the mostly used and mostly renown national medium of choice. Newspaper has been used by a majority of the people in the local market. So, the marketers who are ready to attract or their target market is in the local market, they should definitely go for the newspaper advertising as these reaches to the vast population. There are different kinds of newspaper as weekly, daily etc.

As my product is advertising mobile sets, newspaper can be used as one of the effective source of advertising and to support this, I am going to provide the strengths and weaknesses of the newspaper advertisement regarding the product mobile set.

Newspaper Advertisement Decisions: In order to choose which newspaper to go for advertisement of the mobile sets, I need to analyze the structure of newspapers. The structure includes frequency of publication, size, circulation and most importantly who are the readers of that newspaper. While advertising Mobile sets in the newspapers, a marketer most probably goes for the paper in which publication is regular and the size of that paper should be big and the circulation should be large. Most importantly the readers should be matched with the target market in which the marketer want to reach. Generally, mobile advertisements are given to those newspaper, which are used by the young generation, students or business people, and fashionable people who always believes in changing or upgrading.

Strengths of Newspaper Advertisement (regarding the product as: Mobile Sets)

Generally, advertisement in the newspaper is cheaper compared to other mediums as broadcast media or magazines etc.

Newspaper advertising is timely as the paper comes out on a regular basis.

Readers can read and see the advertisement repeatedly and they think about the product for longer period of time.

The advertisements in the newspaper up-date you with more information than television advertisements.

Generally, consumers maintain positive attitude toward newspapers because there are some loyal consumers in the newspaper and whatever they see in the paper they used to believe them. For these kinds of consumers, mobile advertisements could be very effective.

Newspaper generally covers a vast area, which means it gives an advertiser



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