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Prose Analysis

Essay by   •  December 4, 2010  •  425 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,425 Views

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Christopher Sledge

Expository Writing

Period 8

The Chronicles of Narnia: The last battle

Chapter 1 pages 1-5

This book was written intended for children and young adults. The story and series are of a fantasy nature. The reason for this section is for the author to introduce and described the first two characters and their role and the rest of the book. The author introduces the reader to Shift, an ugly but clever ape who uses and idiotic donkey named Puzzle and his own servant. These two characters are the basis of the plot in this story.

I don't think the author set out to have a certain tone in this particular part, but if I had to choose I see the beginning of this book to have a lot of humor to it. The reader sees this ugly ape that probably isn't very smart, manipulate and deceive this donkey. The ape is able to get the donkey to do whatever he wants. If the donkey ever tried to argue with the ape, he would just respond with "now puzzle, I understand what needs to be done better than you do. You know your not clever, puzzle." And the stupid donkey would agree with whatever he says.

A very vivid image that comes out in this particular part of the story is how the author describes the caldron pool. Puzzle the donkey is forced to go into the river after being tricked again by Shift. The author takes this time to describe caldron pool and its surrounding area. He describes the sound of the waterfall like "everlasting thunder". He also describes the pool saying " always dancing and bubbling and churning as if it were on boilÐ'..." These images help the reader get a better idea of the settings early in the story.

The introduction is simple sense it's the beginning of the book. The author starts



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