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Protected Areas and Biodiversity in Egypt


Law 102 of 1983 empowered the Prime Minister to designate certain areas to be declared as protectorates. A Prime Minister's decree defines the limits of each protected area and sets the basic principles for its management and for the preservation of its resources. Till now 27 protectorates are declared

Natural Protectorates Photos

List of Natural Protectorate

Nature Conservation Sector

Protectorates declared in the framework of Law 102 of year 1983

No. Protectorates Names Declaration Date Area Km2 Governorate Prime Ministerial Decree

1 Ras Mohamed National Park 1983 850 South Sinai Decrees 1068/1983 and 2035/1996

2 Zaranik Protectorate 1985 230 North Sinai Decrees 1429/1985 and 3379/1996

3 Ahrash Protectorate 1985 8 North Sinai Decrees 1429/1985 and 3379/1996

4 El Omayed Protectorate 1986 700 Matrouh Decrees 671/1986 and 3276/1996

5 Elba National Park 1986 35600 Red Sea Decrees 450/1986 and 642/1995

6 Saluga and Ghazal Protectorate 1986 0.5 Aswan Decree 928/1986

7 St. Katherine National Park 1988 4250 South Sinai Decrees 613/1988 and 940/1996

8 Ashtum El Gamil Protectorate 1988 180 Port Said Decrees 459/1988 and 2780/1998

9 Lake Qarun Protectorate 1989 250 El Fayoum Decrees 943/1989 and 2954/1997

10 Wadi El Rayan Protectorate 1989 1225 El Fayoum Decrees 943/1989 and 2954/1997

11 Wadi Alaqi Protectorate 1989 30000 Aswan Decrees 945/1989 and 2378/1996

12 Wadi El Assuti Protectorate 1989 35 Assuit Decrees 942/11989 and 710/1997

13 El Hassana Dome Protectorate 1989 1 Giza Decree 946/1989

14 Petrified Forest Protectorate 1989 7 Cairo Decree 944/1989

15 Sannur Cave Protectorate 1992 12 Beni Suef Decrees 1204/1992 and 709/1997

16 Nabaq Protectorate 1992 600 South Sinai Decrees 1511/1992 and 33/1996

17 Abu Galum Protectorate 1992 500 South Sinai Decrees 1511/1992 and 33/1996

18 Taba Protectorate 1998 3595 South Sinai Decree 316/1998

19 Lake Burullus Protectorate 1998 460 Kafr El Sheikh Decree 1444/1998

20 Nile Islands Protectorates 1998 160 All Governorates on the Nile Decree 1969/1998

21 Wadi Digla Protectorate 1999 60 Cairo Decrees 47/1999 and 3057/1999

22 Swia 2002 7800 Matrouh Decree 1219/2002

23 White Desert 2002 3010 Matrouh Decree 1220/2002

24 Wadi El-Gemal/Hamata 2003 7450 Red Sea Decree 143/2003

25 Red Sea Northern Islands 2006 1991 Red Sea Decree 1618/2006

26 El Gulf El Kebeer 2007 48523 New Valley Decree 10/2007

27 El-Dababya 2007 1 Qena Decree 109/2007

Examples of Natural Protectorates

Ras Mohamed Protected Area and Tyran as well as Sanafir in South Sinai Governorate Date of Announcement : 1983

Area : 850 km2

Type : World Heritage Protected Area

Distance from Cairo : 446 Km

This protected Area is located at the meeting point of the Gulf of Suez and Aqaba Gulf. The Eastern border of Ras Mohamed Protected Area is a rocky wall with the gulf water where there are coral reefs. There is also the Mangrove channel which separates Ras Mohamed Peninsula from Elbayra Island at a length of approximately 250m.

Ras Mohamed Area is characterized by the coral shores existing in the depth of the water peripheral of Ras Mohamed and the extinctionable colored fish and Sea turtles as well as rare Sea Animals. The Coral reefs surround Ras Mohamed from all its sea sides. They have a unique formation which has a great impact on the natural life of the Area. The land Falls or "earthquakes" formed water caves under the island.

The Area is also a habitat for many important birds and animals such as: The Nubian ibex in the mountainous areas, small mammals, reptiles and insects that appear only at night. The Area is also a habitat for many important birds such as herons and seagulls

Elba Natural protected Area in the Red Sea Governorate

Date of Announcement : 1986

Area : 35600 km2

Type : National Park Protected Area

Distance from Cairo: 1300 Km

Elba natural protected Area is located in the southern eastern part of the eastern desert. Its mountains are located on the joint borders of Egypt and the Sudan on the Red Sea. Elba Area has the following distinguished Ecosystem models:

1-Alshura and Qandeel Mangrove woods on the Coastal zones.

2-Limited areas of Coastal sand dunes covered with grass.

3-With grass sphere of coastal saline land " Coastal Marshes"

4-Desert Coastal plains.

5- Coastal mountains and their surrounding hills where there are mist oasis.

In such environments there are the most types of Egyptian extinctionable animals, birds, reptiles, medical and wild plants. Elba natural protected Area consists of the following :

1) Red Sea Islands and coastal mangrove woods.

2) Elabraq Area.

3) El Da'eeb area.

4) Elba Mountain

Elomayed Natural protected Area in Matrouh Governorate

Date of Announcement



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