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Psychoanalysis is a specific brain investigation techniques encompass of the therapy from investigation. Therapy is a speculation that is close to psychotherapy and much further from philosophy. Furthermore, when we talk about theory of personality, there tend to be more difficulties with differences and similarities on how people think and behave. The psychoanalytic theory that defines and explains the dynamics of human progress has its meaning into a human spirit. Psychoanalysis founder, Sigmund Freud, is considered the foundation of the modern psychology due to his views on human development, as well as his perspectives. There are many opinions when it comes to personality as people have different thoughts and perspectives. Psychoanalytic theory investigates and explains human behavior and the mind (Kris, 2013).

Theories related to psychoanalytic

The named people have created a significant impact on modern psychology as well as their beliefs about innovative treatment. This treatment takes place when professionals of mental health permit their patients to talk about their dreams, fantasies and also memories. Even though they had strong confidence in the innovative system, they also had varying opinions on the issue of dreams. Jung and Freud trusted that dreams had meanings while Alder assumed that dreams narrated the status of an individual such as how a person is surviving. The study of the human mind scientifically is referred to as science psychology. The two theories explain that all know behaviors’ are known through conditioning in a manner researched and obtained through human observation.

The foundation of psychoanalysis was stimulated by Sigmund Freud. He defined the importance of the unconscious mental activity of human development. His concepts on the inner development of human being seemed so much revolutionary in the current century. However, they are widely recognized and used by learning institutions. He detailed most of his theory on mental life including the structural theories of the neural system (Kris, 2013). During the 1925, the psychoanalysis study took a new shape and was established globally as flourishing movement (Gelso, 2011). For many years, Freud was seen as a threat by other professionals but the eventually was accepted as the founding father of psychoanalysis. In his lifetime, he dedicated his life to psychological assessments and the development of his own theories.  


        The psychological development is composed of component theories defined by well defined by the founding father. The first theory is the Psychosexual Development and the Oedipus complex, the theory define that as children move in a number of changes before he achieves healthy personality. The theories stipulate that changes in a child development occur in stages. It begins at the age of 0-18 months of personality. At this stage, children are found to explore much of their surroundings using their mouth. Children of this age use their mouth to participate in some activities like sucking and testing. At this early life, infants develop comfort and trust at their caregivers in all their little activities of sucking and testing (Kris, 2013).

         The second stage is what experts call the anal stage, (18-3) years. These categories of children are those in practice to control their bodily fluids and bladder. Parents tend to teach their children how to use toilets and other related activities at this stage. According to Freud, parents and caregivers should reward kids of this mentioned stage when they catch up with the use of toilets and should, therefore, not punish them when they fail to do so. At the age of 3-6 years comes the phallic stage. At this stage, kids develop from the libido to genital's area. They begin to identify their personality and the difference in their parents (Gelso, 2011).

The fourth method is the latency period comes in when a child is between the age of six and the puberty. At this stage, the child starts to build up ego and superego. This is the school period and the beginning of sexual energy. The final stage called genital stage is where the child leaves puberty to adulthood. This is the stage where a person is no longer a child but an adult with the strong interest of the opposite sex. Freud affirms that the last phase of development is very different from the earlier. He argues that the earlier stages are the factors to balanced and well-developed individual.

Another component is the ID, Ego, Super-Ego, and Defenses. The theory defines the human pleasure beyond his principles. It's commonly known as "The Ego and ID".

ID: according to Freud, the id is fully lifeless, impulsive and stipulated of that psyche that as a child permit they gain the basic needs. It is all about getting what your need along with your personal principles. Individual will be able to get all about what he needs and wish to consider reality. An ID is much regarded as an immediate indulgence.

Ego: the individual ego is the pedestal on the reality of the principle he has set. The id cannot always contain what we have in life sometimes an alternative means is essential to cater to problems. Ego is the master to the id. It allow individual to have what he want but makes sure the reality of the situation has been decrypted.

The super-Ego: according to a study by (Georgeakopoulos, 2013), revealed that when we reach age 5 we widen another brain psyche called the super-ego. This is the ethical and moral part of the psyche and despite the current situation we had to do the moral thing. The society ability to judge the individual action depends on super-ego psyche.

In a deterministic manner, ego thumps a balance between demanding the id and self –critical super-ego. Further research shows that, ego played a role in balancing the need for the two parties "id and ego". However, sometimes balancing the two aspects became a problem, and we employ the defense mechanisms. The defense mechanism is composed of tools which regulate and balances the principles of id an ego.  The defense mechanism includes; displacement where you argue with your partner after discussion of the scenario with your friend and projection when you start losing the argument.

Lastly, the unconscious component was central according to the Freud's view. The majority of what we encounter toady takes place in the unconscious and is not physically viewable. However, it has external implication which makes next individual realize you're feeling. According to (Georgeakopoulos, 2013), it demonstrated that individuals that are traumatized never remember anything.
Their memory are blocked away from the unconscious and reappears in consciousness under certain circumstances.

Our conscious mind according to Freud makes a very small amount of personality. Since we are aware of what going on within our mind, the third level of our psyche identified as preconscious. This segment of the brain stay awoken when we are not consciously is aware at all time keep the prescribed information and information can be retrieved when required (Talvitie, 2012). In today’s era these the most important component very much used.



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