Pua Openers
Essay by 24 • December 19, 2010 • 1,718 Words (7 Pages) • 1,100 Views
if a guy has a bad second date, and at the end of the night gets the number of his waitress, does that make him a dick or just an opportunist?
This really is not a field report but I didn't know where else to put it. But anyways
A little over a week ago I had lost my phone in a taxi cab ride home. So later that night I continualy phoned it until finally after many attempts (it was on vibrate) someone finally picked up. On the other end was not the taxi driver but a girl aged 24 with a sexy voice. We got to talking for a while about random comfort building stuff (where she was from, what she did etc.) and then started to talk about how to get my phone back, we set up a meeting the next day at her fitness class (@ an all female gym) which I missed (I had no alarm, it's on my phone). Stupidly the night before I didn't ask for her phone number because I figured I could just phone my phone. Unfortunatly I wasn't thinking about my phone losing power. So I wasn't able to get a hold of her until the next time which she went to this gym (a sunday morning).
So this last sunday morning I made sure that I would get a hold of her. I arrived at the gym 15 minutes into the fitness class and the whole place froze like they had seen a ghost (I think I found my new location to meet women). I came in and started to talk to the cute recptionists about the situation I was in and about how I was probably the first guy to be in there in a while which got them laughing, and out came the class.
I generated good social proof because when the ladies came out the two I was talking to went over to the girls to tell them about my situation, rather then me having to confront all of them by myself.
Luckily the girl with my phone was there. We got into a long conversation about my phone and how you can tell a lot about someone from there phone (Okay?). We ended up driving (in her porsche, I'm in love! haha) to a starbucks afterwards and continuing the conversation. Here I got her number and we decided to go see an art exhibit tommorrow.
How this worked out I'll never know, just some skill combined with a lot damn good luck.
Last night I went to a bar in Philadelphia with a group of my guy and girl friends, on the way there was a guy standing in the street selling roses for a dollar a piece so I picked up 3 roses and put them in my back pocket and put my un-tucked shirt over them. I figured this would be a perfect opportunity to try out the rose opener.
When I walked in the club we all went to the bar and grabbed drinks, we sat talking for a little while when I saw a group of 3 girls and 2 guys at the other end of the bar. There was a HB 9,8, and 6, and the guys with them were definitely trying to be Alpha males. I could see that they were competing over attention of the group of girls. Across from the bar we were at was a couch with two guys just sitting there smoking cigarettes, looking bored and uninteresting. So I approached the set with my rose in hand and gave it to the HB9. The conversation went something like this:
ME: Excuse me miss, you see that guy in the blue button-up shirt over there on the couch. (Pointing his direction)
HB9: Yeah?
ME: He pulled me aside, gave me 20 bucks and asked me to give you this and tell you that you look gorgeous tonight. I think he is a little nervous, you should go talk to him. He seems like your type, you'd make a cute couple.
HB9: No way, he didn't do that!
ME: Okay I guess I'll go give him his rose back, hes going to be heart broken though. The least you can do is take it and give him a smile.
HB9: Are you screwing with me?
ME: You think I have time for that? What do I look like? Ashton Kutcher?
HB9: Haha, fine. I guess its nice of him.
ME: (Directed to her girlfriends) Shouldn't she go thank him? I bet you guys wish you got a rose from a stud like that.
HB8: Yeah go tell him how sweet he is.
HB9: No way! He gets a smile and a wave thats it.
She smiles and waves, the guy looks confused as hell.
ME: See, that wasn't that hard was it. You should really learn some manners. I can't believe you guys take her out, does she even cover her mouth when she sneezes?
HB 8 and 6: Hahaha! Your mean too!
ME: Me? No way! How about I buy everybody drinks with him money? I'm not so mean now am I?
HB8: Its not even your money! You are mean you took his money!
I hand the 20 to the HB8
ME: I'll take a Jack and Coke thank you. See? Manners!
HB8: Oh boy, your a charmer aren't you.
The two guys had been quiet and talking to each other until this point, one of them interrupted and introduced himself and his friend to me. I could tell this guy was going to try to out-Alpha me so I brainstormed real quick while he was being friendly.
wannabe Alpha1: Dude, you probably gave her that rose just to talk to her.
wannabe Alpha2: Yeah, hahha.
ME: Dude, thats a really nice shirt. My gay brother has it, it really brings out your eyes.
Silence. I turned my back to the two guys and began friendly chatting with the HB 6 and asked her how they all know each other. It turns out that one of the guys