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Essay by   •  December 19, 2010  •  755 Words (4 Pages)  •  1,019 Views

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Randall has been previously diagnosed with ADHD. It appears that he has Child-onset Conduct Disorder. He has The Covert Non-Destructive type. The impulsivity, annoying, hitting, teasing, rudeness, interruption of class, lying, and stealing are all symptoms of Conduct Disorder. Both the blaming of the problematic behavior on his ADHD as well as enjoying harassing girls to hear them scream (a form of bullying) are symptoms. Getting in trouble doesn’t seem to bother Randall especially if a girl gets in trouble with him. He also seems to enjoy other people getting in trouble on his behalf. He has no regard for rules and regulations of the school nor the ones implemented at home.

The following is a relevant diagnosis on Axis I of the DSM IV: conduct disorder, ADHD, insomnia

Axis II: no relevant diagnosis to be made.

Axis III: slightly over weight-physically awkward

Axis IV: cant play sports, peers don’t like him, never knew his real father, only Asian in class. Has siblings- is he getting enough attention?

Axis V: GAF- 75 I wouldn’t advise Randall being left alone simply because he is prone to getting into trouble and may cause harm to himself or someone or thing else. His over all intelligence level his high and he doesn’t need any

assistance doing everyday life things like eating or using the bathroom.

I would make a differential diagnosis of a learning disability and ODD. Though Randall’s grades are relatively low it is not due to an inability to learn. His poor grades are due to his lack of effort because he doesn’t like school. Though some of his symptoms mirrors ODD at this point I would have to say that ODD needs to be ruled out. However I think that Randall started out with ODD which is now forming into CD.

I think Randall is most likely to have ADHD along side of his CD. The impulsivity, getting out of his chair and annoyance of others are all symptoms of ADHD. I think the inability to pay attention is part of the reason why he is often off task and finds school boring. It also appears that Randall has trouble sleeping. And the only time he really is able to sleep is when on medication. This is a symptom of ADHD.

I speculate the causes of Randall’s diseases to be of a biological nature. I think his personality or temperament has contributed to



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