Essay by 24 • March 26, 2011 • 2,692 Words (11 Pages) • 1,704 Views
Preface 2
Introduction 3
A brief history 4
RBTT product assortment 6
Environmental factors 9
RBTT's newest product 11
Promotion media's 12
Possible new product/service 15
Appendix 16
We would like to take the opportunity to say thanks to the ones who helped us to write this report. The making of this report would not have been the same without the help of Desmund James and Jetha Rцmer from RBTT, who gave us very useful information.
November, 2005
CuraÐ*ao, Netherlands Antilles
In the fall of the year 2005 we have started the course Principles of Marketing. We are students of the University of the Netherlands Antilles and are in the accounting program which is part of the faculty of social and economic sciences.
For this course we had to make a report about the marketing and products of a company. The company that we got to make the report about was RBTT.
In the first chapter we begin by giving a short history of RBTT. This history should help you get a view of how the marketing has affected the company. In the second chapter we will describe the different products/ service that RBTT offers. In the next chapter we will explain to what market segments these products/ services belong. In the forth chapter we are going to describe the environmental factors of RBTT. After this you will find in the fifth chapter some information about RBTT's newest product. In chapter 6 we will treat the media's that RBTT use to promote their newest product. In the final chapter we will explain a product that RBTT doesn't have yet and that is possible for them to introduce.
On the 4th of November 2005 we went to RBTT to interview Mr. Desmund James and Ms. Jetha Rцmer.
A brief history
The Royal Bank of Trinidad & Tobago traces its history back to 1856, when the Union Bank of Halifax was incorporated in Halifax, Nova Scotia. A branch of Union Bank was opened in Port of Spain in1902 and when in 1910, its operations were bought over by the Royal Bank of Canada; the Port of Spain branch also changed hands.
Trade in the British colony of Trinidad was booming and the Canadians decided to take advantage of the opportunities presented to finance imports of sugar, cocoa and other products and exports of grain, horses salted cod and so on.
The activities of this branch were integrally linked with trade, and it soon became a great facilitator of Canada and West Indies commerce.
Soon small farmers, cane farmers, public servants and teachers became important sources of deposits, followed by workers in the asphalt en petroleum sectors. One branch grew to several and soon there were a lot of branches of RBTT BANK in key locations across Trinidad and Tobago established for the banking convenience of its clients.
RBTT BANK LIMITED (formerly The Royal Bank of Trinidad and Tobago Limited) was incorporated as a local bank in 1971 and in 1972 took over the governance of the Royal Bank of Canada in Trinidad. By 1985, 100% of the shareholding was in local hands, 21% of which was purchased by bank staff. The Royal Bank of Trinidad and Tobago assumed the role of a holding company as the Group rapidly expanded and diversified within the regional financial service sector. In June 1998 RBTT FINANCIAL HOLDING LIMITED was incorporated and RBTT BANK LIMITED became a wholly owned subsidiary. The success of the Groups growth and geographic diversification resulted in the region's largest network of banking and financial services. The Group comprised eight commercial banks with different names, a Merchant Bank and Trust Company. A strong corporate identity became a necessary strategy to achieve greater customer convenience and awareness of the group.
A new Name
On April 22nd, 2002 the Group marked another defining moment a major milestone in its rich history and tradition and changed its name to RBTT. The two banks Antilles Banking Corporation (ABC) and Algemene Bank Nederland Amsterdam Rotterdam (ABN-AMRO) joined and formed RBTT. As a result all subsidiaries across the region now carry the brand RBTT.
RBTT's tremendous growth and development - financial, technical, and human - over the past hundred years has been as a result of its ability to seek out, indeed create opportunities in the interest of its shareholders, customers and staff.
Historical data
Regional expansion started in:
1985 St. Vincent & The Grenadines
1986 St. Kitts / Nevis
1995 St. Maarten
1996 Curacao by acquiring Mc Laughlin Bank
1997 Grenada
1998 Aruba
2000 Suriname
2001 Jamaica and also acquired the ABN AMRO Bank in Curacao.
Marketing Influences
In 2001 when RBTT entered the market, there were also marketing influences along its way in.
Here are the marketing influences that played a big roll since the two banks joined together and formed RBTT:
 The change of language. From English (ABC) to Dutch & Papiamento (ABN-AMRO). This means they speak the language of the market.
 Image enhancement. RBTT implemented a new brand and image (logo) through sponsoring and donations. Curacao Little League (sponsoring) and Educational projects (donations) are examples.
 Sales approach. RBTT organizes campaigns on a regular basis.