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Reasons For Euthanasia

Essay by   •  May 18, 2011  •  838 Words (4 Pages)  •  1,285 Views

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Reasons for euthanasia

By: Dillon Warner

"[The prosecutor] calls it a crime, a murder, a killing ... I call it a medical service. You came to me and said, 'Please help me.' The aim was a final solution to incurable agony." -Jack Kevorkian

Euthanasia, a definition of, the intentional ending of a patient's life by a physician, usually by lethal injection. Throughout this paper I will talk about euthanasia, the three main points that I will cover are reasons for euthanasia to be administered such as unbearable pain, the right to commit suicide, and that people should not be forced to stay alive. Euthanasia is legalized in some places because of unbearable pain, the right to commit suicide, and that people should not be forced to stay alive. Furthermore, unbearable pain is one of the main reasons for euthanasia. There are some types of diseases that have pains that are physically and emotionally unbearable so the patient make argue that it is better off for them to be dead than to live with this unbearable pain. They have went trough option after option and none of them seems to work so they think that all hope is lost and that death is a final option. The pain is simply too much for the patient to handle. Some pains cannot be numbed or are impossible to make o away leaving the patients with no other choice but to live with the horrible pain and agony or die. Now on to a person's right to commit suicide. For someone to help is against the law unless it is done by a registered, and trained physician. Although it is not easy to get or have euthanization performed unless you have the right kind of medical it's not going to happen. Many argue that if it is not done safely and peacefully that they will find another way to kill themselves. So in turn a small percentage of these people are sent to a mentally insane home where they are on guard and watched 24 hours a day to insure they do not hurt themselves or others. Some other reasons for people wanting to get euthanized but these are in the more rare cases people that get abused and are afraid to go home but will not go into a home or foster care. Older people that do not want to be put into a home or have some one come to there home and take care of them because it is not a family member, but have been neglected by there loved ones that will not take care of them. More importantly the theory that people should not be forced to stay alive. It is every person's right to choose whether they live or die. Whether they are in pain or are just stressed out. Whether They are twenty five or eighty five it is there choice. Many argue stating that it



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