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Red Violin

Essay by   •  November 19, 2010  •  615 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,447 Views

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Interpretation of the Tarot Cards

In The Red Violin, Anna goes to Cesca, so she can read her unborn babies future. Cesca assures Anna she cannot read the babies future, but she can read Anna's future. Cesca is able to tell Anna's future by reading the five tarot cards Anna chooses. In The Red Violin, the moon, the hangman, the devil and the death inverted tarot cards foreshadow the fate of the red violin.

The moon card is the first card chosen. The prediction is: a long life, full and rich, and a long journey. First, the moon represents longevity. The violin is passed on over a period of three hundred years. Second, the moons shape is constantly changing. Over the period of 300 years the violin has endured many difficult situations. In addition, the changes have caused the violin to be obstructed. Lastly, the moon represents a cycle. The cycle will be broken as soon as the violin's purpose is fulfilled.

The hangman card illustrates someone will be bound to the violin. The predication of the hangman card is danger, disease and infirmity. First, being hung means you are at the mercy of the people. In addition, the rope is acting as life support. If the rope isn't tampered with the individual stays alive. Casper Weiss had a heart condition and he needed the violin to survive. Sometimes individuals may be extremely sick, and a certain something helps to keep them alive. When the violin was threatened to be taken away from Casper he instantly died. Most important, it means know more struggling in life. Once an individual dies he or she know longer has to worry about dealing with the stress of life. Since, Casper died he didn't have to struggle with his heart condition anymore.

The devil card means the violin while cause problems. The prediction is being seduced by a talented and handsome man. When an individual seduces another person they aren't concerned with the other person's feelings. The individual is only concerned with satisfying his or her self. Fredrick Pope wasn't concerned with Victoria's feelings. He was satisfying his own urges using the violin. In addition, when a person is being seduced their



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