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Essay by   •  November 8, 2010  •  679 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,588 Views

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Regional American Literature are the values and personality traits of the people who practice a particular religion or who go to a certain school, or live with a single parent rather then a traditional family. These can all be classified as examples of such Regionalism here in the United States. Also, these are ones that we see and deal with on a daily basis. Can there be one steady definition, no because everyone sees and interrupts things differently. What I see or form an opinion about might be totally different then somebody else.

Regionalism is scattered all across the United States. Maybe it's because we are considered a melting point. But in reality that's what makes us who we are. It is true that goals and values are different from region to region. A perfect example would be where I live. I live on a farmer outside of London, Ohio, and I went to a rural school. I had a total of about 145 students in my graduating class, and my cousins went to Hilliard where they had over 300 students or maybe more in their graduating class. The majority of my class mates perticully the males weren't even planning to go to college. This is because we are a farming community we come from a generation after generation of farming backgrounds. They are thought to stay and help work on the farm and even some day has plans to take over the farm. Where if you were to go and ask my cousin or even one of his or her friends they would say that they were going on to college and that was really the only other option they had. Unlike here are values and ideas are different, and this is happening within the same state and less then 60 miles away from each other in location. My one cousin and I are the same age. I can remember when she would tell me about picking here class schedule for her high school. I would think, what picking your class schedule we don't have that at my school. We either were required to go the college prep route or just regular classes. We weren't privileged to have all the different classes to pick from. Therefore, city schools do have some what of an advantage over little rural schools they are able to offer more to the students, and are able to keep offering those students better opportunities. Rural schools are lucky to get teachers to come teach for them because obviously they don't offer has good pay as city schools do, and half the time the can't even get a school levy to pass.




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