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Religion Paper

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Question 1 ÐŽV An Outline on a Major Catholic Figure.

John Bede Polding- John Bede Polding was born at Liverpool on the 18th of October 1794 and died at Sydney, 16 March 1877. During his life he contributed in many ways to the growth of Catholicism in Australia through many different events. He was the first Catholic Archbishop in Australia, although he was ordained in England. He came to Australia in 1835 ЎЁand at once set to work to organize his vast diocese. He found only three priests in New South Wales and one in Tasmania; these with the three or four Benedictine monks whom he had brought with him constituted the entire force at his disposal. Then, and for many years afterwards, he worked like one of his priests, saying Mass daily in various stations, often in the convict prisons, teaching the Catechism, hearing the confessions of multitudes, and attending the sick and dying. He obtained permission to give retreats in the prison establishments, and between 1836 and 1841 no less than 7000 convicts made at least ten days' retreat under his guidance.ЎЁ Because of his good work the authorities began to bring every new shipload of Christian convicts to him, and he assisted all of them personally and attempted to help them before they were sent off to different places throughout Australia, showing his remarkable patience and acceptance for all people. ÐŽ§In 1841 Bishop Polding revisited England and thence went on to Rome to report on his vicariate and petition for the establishment of a hierarchy, which was granted in 1842, the vicar Apostolic becoming first Archbishop of Sydney and Primate of all Australia. During this visit he was sent on a special diplomatic mission to Malta, and in recognition of his success therein was made a Count of the Holy Roman Empire and an assistant at the pontifical throne. In 1843 he returned to Sydney, taking with him a band of Christian Brothers, four Passionists, and some Benedictines. His return as archbishop aroused a violent storm among the Church of England party in the colony, but his gentleness and tact disarmed all opponents.ЎЁ This displays some of the ways that Polding contributed to the forming of Christianity in Australia during its early stages. He also contributed to the founding of the benedict nuns in Australia. He brought the two founding Nuns, Scholastica Gregory and Magdalen le Clerc, to Australia, where they began Benedictine Monastic life for women on February 2nd, 1849. This first Benedictine monastery for women, on a Colonial property at Rydalmere, west of Sydney, came to be known as Subiaco. Is Archbishop Polding had not contributed enough to the progression of Christianity and learning in Australia, he also founded the University College of St. John at Sydney and the College of St. Mary, Lyndhurst.

Question 2 ÐŽV Suggest why this person could be a role model

John Bede Polding contributed to Christianity throughout his entire life, never tiring of his work. He is an excellent role model not only to Christians but also to any person whoÐŽ¦s willing to work in order to achieve something. Properties he possessed that should have him as a role model for Christians are:

„« Patience: Any religious group that is dedicated to helping less fortunate people, or even a group who wishes to teach godÐŽ¦s word should have Archbishop Polding as a role model. As displayed above Polding taught the good word to Christian Convicts and attempted to help them in any way he could. This required patience and tolerance, as not all the convicts would have been easy to work with. Therefore displaying that people who are trying to do that kind of work should have Polding as a Role model as he achieved his work in excellence.

„« Determination: Archbishop Polding was determined for Christianity to be taught and celebrated throughout Australia. Every type of person who is determined to achieve a cause should hold Polding in high regard as he kept working his entire life in order to achieve his cause never tiring of his work through the 83 years of his life he would work 54 of them to achieve his cause continuing to preach Christianity to the age of 80, 3 years before his death.

„« Dedication: Polding was dedicated to his work, which would make him an excellent role model for a school, or other working environments. He also promoted education as he founded to of the major Christian universities in Australia, which is a major contribution to his name that any school or working environment would be proud to follow.

„« Tolerance: Christians are taught to be tolerant to one another and to all different type of people, and as Jesus said, ÐŽ§To be kind to one anotherЎЁ. Polding follows these words exactly, as he did not judge people or treat certain people differently. This makes him an excellent role model to all Christians as he shows that how much an ordinary man committed to achieve something, which is in this case, is his faith, can accomplish so much towards it.

Question 3: List three issues or challenges facing the Catholic Church today and explain how the church is responding to the issues or challenges.

Euthanasia - Church teaching labels euthanasia as ЎҐmurderÐŽ¦ while making a clear distinction between euthanasia and refusing ЎҐoverzealousÐŽ¦ or ЎҐextraordinaryÐŽ¦ medical treatment. Whatever its motives and means, direct euthanasia consists in putting an end to the lives of handicapped, sick or dying persons. It is morally unacceptable. Thus an act or omission which, of itself or by intention, causes death in order to eliminate suffering constitutes a murder gravely contrary to the dignity of the human person and to the respect due to the living god, his Creator. The error of judgment into which one can fall in good faith does not change the nature of this murderous act, which must always be forbidden and excluded. Discontinuing medical procedures that are burdensome, dangerous, extraordinary, or disproportionate to the expected outcome can be legitimate. Even if death is thought imminent, the ordinary care owed to a sick person cannot be legitimately interrupted. The use of painkillers to alleviate the sufferings of the dying, even at the risk of shortening their days, can be morally in conformity with human dignity if death is not willed as either an end or a means, but only foreseen and tolerated as inevitable. Palliative care is a special form of disinterested charity. As such it should be encouraged.

Cloning -Catholic teaching opposes reproductive cloning for a number of reasons. It offends against the personal and unique identity given to each individual by God. It denies an individual the



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