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Rich Dad and Poor Dad

Essay by   •  July 23, 2018  •  Book/Movie Report  •  1,450 Words (6 Pages)  •  960 Views

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Rich Dad, Poor Dad 

        Within the introduction, the Kiyosaki points out various instances pertaining education and he claims that there is dire need more so to restructure and change the educations system. He poses the question whether the education system being used is viable for helping the generation going through it or rather it seems to be just a waste of time. For instance, it is perceived that the education system is confined on making children to study hard, get good grades and later be able to get good employment with well rewarding jobs. However, does this type of education really have a lasting influence in the life of the learners? For example, an instance where children become tired of studying many subjects some of which does not help them in the future leaves many questions unanswered about the credibility of the education system that Kiyosaki talks about despite the fact that he is also a product of the same system. The author refers to this type of lifestyle as the “rat race” whereby there is no reliable system that can sustain families and their children and save them from always working hard to earn their living which in return shifts to their children when they graduate, get good jobs and start their own families. In general the author is disgusted with the way the education system has been structured in a manner that every family or individual has to work hard and struggled to raise enough resources to cater for their both basic needs and wants.

        According to Kiyosaki, he narrates that he was raised with two types of fathers whom he had close relationship on daily basis. One of his Dads was educated and attained all sorts of education credentials and later got a good job that earned him a lot of income while another Dad was not educated and pursued what he loved which made him to earn what de soared to achieve.  He also narrates that at the time of death, one of the dad left behind more debts that overburdened his family members while the other father left a lot of riches and resources that could help his family live a comfortable life. However, what intrigues the author is that both the two fathers had diverse view and opinion on money. While the other one said that “Money the root of all evil, the other Dad said that lack of money is the root of all evil,” views that could not conform at any point life. So how did Kiyosaki made it? The author asserts that having been raised by two fathers of distinct level in life was something that shaped him to become successful. He points out that what if he was raised with one father; say the poor or the rich? Either of them could have demanded him to pursue their demands and believes which could both hinder and affect his success.

        For instance, Kiyosaki points out that the product of children is depended on their parents. Why such claims? He asserts that in most cases, children are taught about money by their parents at home instead of being taught at school. This is the main reason why children go to school to learn hard and struggle almost in their entire lives trying to take care of their bills and other basic need and wants. He then suggest that there is need to have the education system teach about money since it is cumbersome for poor parents to teach their children about money/ what they will tell their children is that go to school, study hard for a better job, leaving children with poverty mentality, while these children from rich backgrounds are taught by their parents bout money and they grow up with the mentality of being rich. This explains the reason why the rich continues to be richer while the poor continues to be poorer with the middle class struggling to get acquainted to the system.

        Nevertheless, despite having two dads with different opinions, the author found it more interesting to have both fathers since he was able to learn in depth the difference between the rich and poverty mentality. For instance, he records that one of his dad was fond of saying I can’t afford it, while one of his rich father could say the statement should be; how can I afford? One of the father said that you should study hard in order to find a good company to employee you while the other rich father said that the statement should be; “you should study hard in order to find a good company to buy” the other father said that “when it comes to issues with money, you should play safe and not take risks,” while the other rich father could say that “always learn to manage risks.” One of the parents also said that “the reason why he is not rich is because of his children” while the rich dad could say that “the reason why he is rich is because of the children that  he has.”



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