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Rivigo Case Study

Essay by   •  November 29, 2016  •  Case Study  •  918 Words (4 Pages)  •  3,021 Views

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  1. Against average of 15 KM , RIvigo truck travels 40 KM/hr
  2. It is our dream to create a collaborative and harmonious eco-system where logistics companies will work in tandem to build a sector which will be known for its consistency, safety, reliability, transparency, precision, and above all, an innate ability to create value for its partners.
  3. Beliefs at Rivigo are
  1. Pace is the key to all achivements
  2. There is always other ways to improve process
  3. Persistence can remove all obstacles
  4. Think ahead and improvise

Serving Industries->

  1. Food, Apparels, Courier, chocolates, fruits and vegetables.

Model-Prime( FTL)

  1. Anywhere to everywhere in 3 days  50-70% lower transit time due to its driver relay model
  2. It owns its own 1000+ trucks
  3. Many Pit shops between different locations--Jodhpur – Guwahati, Bangalore – Agartala, Pantnagar to Cochin, Mumbai – Kolkata
  4. Every trip is pre tested and the 24X7 desk mainatinence system coordinates with the nearest pit incase of any breakdown
  5. Complete real time visibility
  1. All running trucks can be seen on the map
  2. GPS logs from start of a truck to end of the truck is maintained  to determine any unscheduled stoppages and warehouse hold time

  1. Theft control- Apart form the standard locks there are hidden locks which are provided , thus there is no option of theft

Model-PTL( partial truck load)

a.. Very low transit time, as it is completely tech enabled and driver relay model

  1. Complete visibility->Through GPS enabled truck and technology enabled waregghouse, user can see the consignment at each and every stage
  2. Data driven analytics can help to optimize the logistics efficiency across season and  months, which helps determine number of trucks required and stress distribution system .
  3. To improve speed and efficiency, the billing pricess in made online. This enables to check , enable and pay completely online
  4. There is end to end solution of deliveries with no trans-shipment to any vendor in between. Over 95% reliability and 100% safety is guaranteed
  5. Green (Cold Chain)
  1. Closed loop temperature integrity system that many customers face in normal
  2. 24X7 temperature monitoringReal time temperature monitoring system is included..As there are pit shops all over the country.. any beakdown or deviation from the required temp is attended within 3-4 hrs
  3. Reduces Turnaround time by 30-40% as the truck runs 22-23 hours a day by using the driver relay model.. therefore the clients tap far away models easily at low costs
  4. Dealing with seasonality:As the lead time is low, so the products reaches the retail shelf very early and thus stop them from becoming rotten.
  5. Optimizing storage cost: Cold storage requires high cost=> reducing lead time by the truck allows to reduce inventory at selling location=>reducing cost

VYOM→ Within 2 years they have vison of going to 2 million trucks in the platform

Ownership is very important, Everyine at Rivigo should feel that they are owner of the company. They represent Rivigo when talk abt the company to family, friends, etc

Never say that’s not my job. Boundaries brings problems, so Rivigo don’t want to create clear organizational structure

Leaders are owners, they don’t sacrifise long term values for short term gains

Don’t call its done until its done

Never give up-Today is bad, tomorrow is worse but day after tomorrow is sunshine

We should respect each and every parcel, insentvize the truck drivers to respect the parcels

Purpose is to fundamentally transform the logistics industry

The slogan Is “Making logistics human”

Why Rivigo

Rivigo is creating a transformation in the logistics industry , and that too fundamentally transforming it.  Logistics and transportation is a very important component of any industry and can account for large part of its business. Historically companies have been spending too much money in transportation as they used to send large part by air freight and the companies which send by trucks face a high opportunity cost due to things becoming bad and damage during the way. Rivigo is trying to bridge this gap by providing faster and reliable transportation network. It gives a promise of transporting the good within India anywhere within 3 days. All other competitors are just providing a online platform to connect the transporters to the customers, whereas Rivigo is driving its own fleet and with it has attracted a huge driver network of 3000+ drivers.Driving own fleet in India is a phenomenal job. Also it has disrupted the transport market by driver relay model, increasing the utilization of the truck as well  incentivizing the drivers.



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