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Role Of Sales Manager

Essay by   •  December 7, 2010  •  4,755 Words (20 Pages)  •  2,065 Views

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Sales manager is an important position in a company. He does not only focus in sales alone, yet he needs to set sales objectives, forecasting, budgeting, organizing and salesforce's recruitment. In order salesforce to achieve it objective, sales manager needs to create a positive environment for his salesforce. According to Barker (2001), salesperson's behavior is influenced by three groups of antecedents - activities of sales manager, characteristics of salesperson and an appropriate sales organization's design. One of the important functions of sales manager is motivating salesforce towards their job performance, productivity, job satisfaction and employees extension.

Motivation is complex because it varies among people. People are motivated towards something that they can relate to and something that they can believe in. Motivational methods will work if the arrangement and values are right in combination. Basically, sales manager needs to motivate salesforce in order them to focus in the sales result. Hence, there is no one that can actually 'do' a result but can only through carry out more productive and efficient task, having a positive and creative attitude and directed on higher-yield strategic opportunities. Therefore, it is important to understand salesforce's attitude and behavior before giving motivation.

There are two models that can be used to determined and motivates salesforce. It is Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs (Maslow, 1970) and Herzberg Motivation- Hygiene Theory (Herzberg, 1959).

Hierarchy of Needs

According to Maslow (1970), an individual [salesforce] is ready to act upon the growth needs when the deficiency needs are met. Maslow's hierarchy can be used to describe salesforce needs at different levels (Norwood, 1999).

Figure 1.0

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

Adopted from Schiffman and Kanuk, 2000. Consumer Behaviour, 7th Edition. pp. 80. Prentice Hall, United States.

„h Physiological needs

Fresh graduates are always falling into this level. It is because they just come out to the society to work. Therefore, their degree stability is low. They are depending on their income to survive. They need to pay for their monthly expenses such as food, rental and transportation. Normally before this need is achieved, they would not go into a level higher of motivating factors. Sales manager can provides lodging or free meal to motivate this group salesforce

„h Security or Safety needs

After physiological needs are achieved, they will eventually motivate by security or safety needs. At this level, salesforce need a secure job. Company's stability will help to give a perception and confidence towards the position that they have. Sales manager have to make sure that their job will not affecting their life. Thus sales manager can come out with an insurance program for every salesperson.

„h Social needs

Sales manager need to build up an environment whereby salesforce are belong to the organization. They need to be accepted and belong to the company. A good rapport of relationship between colleagues can drive salesperson to work in the company. Sales manager must give appraisal for the good work done by the salesperson. Eventually, salesforce will feel appreciated and therefore they will strive and work harder.

„h Esteem needs:

According to Maslow, once people begin to satisfy their need to belong, they tend to want to be held in esteem both by themselves and by others. This kind of need produces such satisfaction as power, prestige status and self-confidence. When the salesforce are at this stage, sales manager must look into chances for promotion. These salespersons prefer to be boost. They are power-driven people. They want to give others that they are different status compare to the rest.

„h Need for self-actualization:

It is where all of the level is achieved. It is the highest need in this Maslow's model. It is to maximize one's potential and to accomplish something.

Motivation and Hygiene Theory

Herzberg's theory (1959) is divided into two categories- motivator factor and hygiene factor. Salesforce will dissatisfy if factors in the hygiene list is not met. On the other hand, a salesperson will be motivated if he is satisfied through the motivator elements shown below (figure 2.0).

Motivating Factors

Motivators (Satisfiers)

The job itself

Potential for personal growth





Sense of belonging

Ability to influence events


Hygiene Factors

Maintenance Items (Dissatisfiers)


Working conditions

Job security

Relationship with co-workers

Quality of supervision

Status (job title)

Job location

Fringe benefits

Type of business

Figure 2.0

Manager needs to enhance the motivator and minimize the hygiene factors. Normally we are unable to influence over the hygiene factor. For instance, type of business. There is no way that this factor can be change unless the company change it form of business. However, motivator factor such as achievement can be maximizing to curb the problem. If it fulfills the salesforce's need, then he will remain in the company. Money is the only element that is in both categories. Money can be a great motivator yet it can also be demotivator. If a salesperson perceived his salary is low compare to the market, he will feel depress and thus his performance will decrease. However, if the salary can be adjusted, this will solve the problem.




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