Rosolution Of April 2008
Essay by 24 • July 13, 2011 • 324 Words (2 Pages) • 1,133 Views
Resolution: That the Economic Stimulus Act of 2008 will successfully mitigate economic slowdowns over the next year.
Mitigate: to become milder; lessen in severity
Economic Stimulus Act of 2008: Passed by the House and Senate in late January and early February 2008, this provisions of this act allow for tax rebates, a child tax credit, job creation, small business investment, and mortgage relief. It was signed by President Bush on February 13, 2008.
Aff: this act is going to help everyone and is nessisary.
( the big picture ) You see, when you give one person new spending money they will go spend it in a resrant, a grosery store, a clothing store ect. Then those binneseisses will get the money, be able to become stable and pay there enployes so they can go out and do the same thing. It’s a never ending chain.
( mortgage relief )
Neg: what happens after all this money is given out? All this money that is going to be givin out is like a band aid. It will cover up the ugly wound and attempet to make it better, but when you rip it off it’s still there.
Facts on it:
Iraq war has damaged all of us Mike Coverdale March 18, 2008
This harbinger of economic stimulus cost us collectively about $42 million. That’s just for the notice, not for the funny money that follows a payout of $150 billion.
(Tax rebate)
Single filers who have qualifying income of more than $3,000, but paid no taxes, are eligible for $300.
Single filers, who have qualified income of more than $3,000, but paid taxes, are entitled to $600.