Russian Revolution in 1905
Essay by blueturtle123 • May 2, 2018 • Course Note • 833 Words (4 Pages) • 924 Views
1. There was an economic problem
The living and working conditions were really bad. Russia needed to develop industry and so needed to borrow money mainly in the form of taxes from the people. This was a problem because their wages were kept low but taxes rose - this meant there was an insufficient amount of money for living. Government wanted to squeeze money out of the people and develop industry so they could be better off. At first it went well but in 1902 there was an industrial slump. The people were already really poor so this caused them to starve - outbreak of violence (landlords' houses burnt). The government used violence to crush the disturbances.
2. Russo- Japanese War 1904
Tsar thought an 'easy' win would gain more government support. However his planned backfired and he lost - this was very humiliating because Japan was such a small country compared to Russia. Furthermore the war costs of weapons, food for soldiers, medical supplies and transport costs meant prices rose in the city and a shortage of food in the cities. The lack of industrial materials meant the people were now not only starving but unemployed because factories closed. People were unhappy because they had to pay for a war they didn't even want.
3. Bloody Sunday - The Trigger/spark
Bloody Sunday was on Sunday 22nd of January 1905. 200,000 people marched to the Tsar's Winter Palace lead by Father Gapon. It was a peaceful demonstration demanding for workday to become 8 hours, higher pay and rights. They were also protesting the Russians declaring war on the Japanese but that they lost, as they had to sacrifice soldiers, food and money and taxes. However they were met by Soilders and Cossacks who fired at them. It is unknown who ordered them to do this but some people say the Tsar as it was his soldiers who did so. The numbers of death can't be accounted because some say less than 100 but some say 100,000. The injustice of Tsarism united the country. Bloody Sunday had bad crisis management which is why it was so fatal. Russia declared war partly because the Tsar thought it would be easy to win and would regain trust and respect for him, but the war did the opposite.
¢ Events leading up to Revolution:
January - 400,000 people on strike; Government had no control of what was going on in the city.
February- the Tsars' uncle was assassinated (Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich)
March and May - Lose to Japan, Navy started to support people (mutiny of the sailors on the battleship Potemkin)
May and June - Middle class liberals started to demand for parliament - they were smart and wanted a modern democracy like the West
June and July - Countryside riots (Landowner houses burnt)
September - Russia signed treaty with Japan, which agreed to stop the war (this meant more troops to help defeat revolution - they were also paid to stay loyal to Tsar)
October - Barricades set up because majority didn't support the government
26 October 1905- Petrograd Soviet was formed; this was a big treat to the current government
30th October - October Manifesto published - Middle class were pleased and supportive (aims split) = Revolution fail because Middle class were the ones who organized everything
- Duma
- Civil Rights
- Rights to form political parties
- Uncensored newspaper
December - All troops back in Russia