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In May of 1804, two men set out on an important journey that would take them across the country and discover new land, but none of it would have been possible without the aid of one woman. The Lewis and Clark Expedition was planned by Thomas Jefferson, in order to explore the unknown in the newly purchased Louisiana Territory, and also to find a water route across the continent. Along the way the group of men met a quiet native, named Sacagawea, whose impact would later have a large effect on the success of their important journey.

In late October, The Corps of Discovery reached the Mandan Indian Villages in what is now known as North Dakota, where they built a fort and spent the winter. There, Lewis and Clark met a French Canadian trapper named Toussant Charbonneau, who was hired to be an interpreter. His 17 year old Shoshone Indian wife Sacagawea and child, Jean Baptiste, also went along on the trip. The explorers were thrilled at their good fortune. They hoped she could possibly lead them back to her native people. Also, Sacagawea could serve as a translator (Women in World History 32). "If and when the expedition met the Shoshones, Sacagawea would talk with them, then translate to Hidatsa for Charbonneau, who would translate to French. The Corps' Francois Labiche spoke French and English, and would make the final translation so that the two English-speaking captains would understand." Her language skills and knowledge would later prove to be a great help to the success of the expedition (Moulton 7).

Sacagawea, with her infant son, became the only woman in the small band of about 40 or so men. As they approached more and more west, many Natives had never seen white men before and were ready to protect their land. Lewis was sure the presence of a young woman and a baby would be an obvious sign their purpose was peaceful (Armstrong 65). Over the course of the journey, Sacagawea identifyed many edible berries and roots, which were used as medicine as well. Also, she mented clothes and nursed the sick and injured (Moulton 7).

On May 14, 1805, Sacagawea especially impressed her fellow explorers when strong winds nearly capsized the boat she was riding in. She helped to hold down the boat and recovered many important papers and supplies, that would otherwise have been lost. Her calm effectiveness was also noticed compared to her panicking husband who could not swim. Lewis, who was never as fond of Sacagawea as Clark was, was extremely grateful for her help (Women in World History 32).

On November 24, 1805 the



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