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Safety Incentive Programs

Essay by   •  March 10, 2011  •  3,496 Words (14 Pages)  •  1,528 Views

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Safety Incentive Programs in the Manufacturing Industry


A Paper

presented in partial fulfillment

of the requirements of the class

in the Department of

Table of Contents

Running head: SAFETY INCENTIVE PROGRAMS....................................................1



Safety Incentive Programs ....................................................................................4

What is a Safety Incentive Program.................................................................4

What is the Make-up of a Safety Incentive Program?.........................................................4

Controversy of Safety Incentive Programs.................................................................5

Traditional Program..................................................................................5



Non-Traditional Program.............................................................................6



OSHA's Perspective on Safety Incentive Programs......................................................7




The purpose of this paper is to investigate the effectiveness of safety incentive programs, in the manufacturing industry, on injuries in the workplace. Safety professionals have argued over the value of incentives and incentive programs for years. Done right, safety incentive programs recognize employees for improved performance as well as motivate workers to maintain safe work habits. Safety incentive programs are the most widely used approach to motivate employees to improve their safe work habits and reduce injuries in the workplace. A majority of U.S. companies use some sort of safety incentive and believe it is an important element of their safety and health program. There are basically two types of safety incentive programs used in manufacturing today; traditional and nontraditional. A traditional safety incentive program rewards employees based on numbers such as recordable injuries or restricted duty and lost-time injuries. Nontraditional safety incentive programs reward employees for much more than the number of accidents reported. There is, however, and always will be a controversy between proponents of the traditional programs versus proponents of nontraditional programs. At this time OSHA does not regulate safety incentive programs. Finally, this paper will conclude with a determination of how effective safety incentive programs can be or how detrimental they can be to a safety and health program.


Safety incentive programs have been a traditional part of many safety programs. Most safety incentive programs are based on a reduction or elimination of injuries or accidents. Safety professionals have argued over the value of incentives and incentive programs for years. Some say incentive programs encourage employees to hide injuries, while others contend that acknowledging milestones in the safety program or employees safety efforts is an excellent motivational tool. Although programs differ in size and scope, many experts agree that one thing is required for a successful program: before implementing a safety incentive program, a good safety program must exist.

Safety Incentive Programs

Done right, safety incentive programs recognize employees for improved performance as well as motivate workers to maintain safe work habits. While incentives of many types are used in everyday life; parents pay their children for good grades, retail chains offer discounts or coupons, and companies reward executives for meeting certain goals; safety incentive programs are looked upon with reservation.

There are several options available when considering a safety incentive program. However, before a program is implemented, a management culture must be instituted that emphasizes safety and health. Although, most safety professionals argue about the effectiveness of safety incentive programs, they do agree that in order for an incentive program to be successful, the right mix of safety policies and procedures must be implemented.

What is a Safety Incentive Program?

Safety incentive programs are the most widely used approach to motivate employees to improve their safe work habits and reduce injuries in the workplace. The theory behind safety incentive programs is to reward employees for zero accidents, safe work practices and making safety recommendations. Basically, people will work safer if they are rewarded for safe behavior. In turn, there will be no accidents to report.

A program that gives out prizes or gifts that relate to safety performance are either



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