Essay by xx09pupxx • February 22, 2018 • Research Paper • 1,934 Words (8 Pages) • 893 Views
Semiotics is the investigation into how visual representation as a whole, (language, images, objects), generates the processes by which the audience comprehends the communicated attribute meaning. Semiotics allows the artists to challenge notions such as literal meanings, broadening the availability an artist has to portraying their meaning. The concept of semiotics is relevant to an artist and their work as it allows them to express their meanings and beliefs in way that challenges literal concepts. It also shows that the artists meaning is of secondary importance in correlation to the individual elements of the images and or objects. Semiotic analysis acknowledges the inconstant relations an artist may have to representation allowing the images and or objects of their art be developed and understood. In relation to the use of symbols, language systems and media processes by artists, the following statement has been communicated “Artists challenge traditions and beliefs by exploring symbols, language systems and media processes. Their artworks communicate to the viewer a new understanding of the world.” The meaning of this statement could be interpreted to mean that artists often stray from the formality of what Is considered traditional, rather preferring to communicate a sense of new understanding for the world, through the use of symbols, language systems and media processes. Three noticeable artists that validate this concept of challenge through semiotics include; Artists Alina and Jeff Bliumis, specifically their 2008 workpiece ‘Language Barriers’, Xu Bing and his 1991 piece ‘The Book from the Sky’ and finally Bruce Nauman and his 2005 piece ‘Raw Materials’
Each of the three artists have been influenced differently in their approaches to the concept of semiotics, and how they followed the concept to portray each of their selected works. The Bliumises are multidisciplinary artists whose impacting emigration from Soviet Union led them to their successful lives as artists now residing in New York City. Their experiences have impacted their ideologies on how to view the world through art, which has led their work to a concept of language, and the block it has had on their lives. Similar to the Bliumises, Xu Bing’s past has led him to the ideologies he believes and conveys in his work now. Bing grew up in Beijing after moving to his current place of residence in the U.S. The Internationally-acclaimed artist creates complex, haunting works, where he demonstrates through language the crucial importance of language and how it can be used and misused to create meanings. Drawing on traditional philosophies such as Taoism, Bing freely mixes traditional methods such as ink paintings and scroll work with the works of western techniques. Bruce Nauman is an Americana artist who favors sculptures, performances, installations, films, videos and photography. Unlike the other artists, Nauman’s interest in language and philosophies began when he studied the topics in the mid 1960’s where he continued to experiment with his works. Each of three artists have used the semiotic aspect of symbolism throughout their works. The Bliumises and Xu Bing both physically and visually use a reoccurring object within their works to portray their meaning; the object being a physical book. On the other hand, Nauman uses audio texts to convey his meaning.
There are numerous connections and similarities between the ways in which the artists have expressed their ideas through semiotics. However the most prominent similarity is the effective use of philosophical texts, both visual and audio. Both Xu Bing and Bruce Nauman, took an interest in the ideals of philosophy before their works were created, with Bing looking further into traditional concepts and Nauman engaging in the philosophical study of language. Language is also clearly portrayed in ‘Language Barriers’ but in a different perspective. While Bing and Nauman both show that the idea of language can be beautiful yet also a challenge, the Bliumises only portray the idea of language as a challenge, as they were held back by their lack of knowledge and understanding. While the Bliumises and Bing physically use the symbolism of a book and a scroll, Nauman engages his audience through an audio installation. All three of the artworks are considered installations. While Nauman focuses on the audio installation, Bing and the Bliumises visually present their installations through the work of book and numerous scripts. Nauman strays from the traditional aspects of creating an audio installation by placing the recordings in a thematic or chronological order. Nauman states: “I started with the idea of using ‘Thank You Thank You’ at the entrance, but after that the arrangement was quite intuitive, and based more on the texture and intensity of the relationships than narrative structure. I do feel that the last piece in the room – ‘World Peace’ – is in an appropriate place, provides a resting place.” Unlike Nauman, The Bliumises work is a series of installations designed for specific sites, some of which included the blockage of numerous passageways in around built up areas. These books were bought from numerous thrift shops and were then covered in numerous colorful designs depicting imaginary titles and authors, giving each painted book a unique look. Similar to the creation of artists and titles as used by the Bliumises, Bing also decorated his numerous scrolls in over 4000 nonsense Chinese characters. A Book from the Sky" is composed of numerous scrolls of non-literal Chinese characters, some left loose and some bound into books, which were suspended from the ceiling, pasted on the walls, and stretched out along the floor. Everything about "A book from the Sky" has an authentic feel and look. While the scrolls may appear to be accurate, “A Book from the Sky” is supremely inauthentic as the designed characters are purely of the artist's invention and utterly without meaning.
There are several similarities and differences between the concepts and ideologies of each of the pieces and their elements. While the approach to the topic and focal point may vary slightly between the pieces, each of the artists have conveyed the concepts of language and its effects through multiple focal points. For Instance, the Bliumises focus on their challenges with language, and how it previously controlled their lives, causing a block in moving forward into society. They clearly represent this concept by engaging the audience in a similar manner, by physically blocking passageways in built up areas with books. The use of books is quite symbolic for many reasons, however in this case specifically represents a meaning as depicted by the artwork’s name,’ A Language Barrier.’ Unlike the Bliumises display of language differences causing problems