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Implementing Leadership Techniques: Creating an Executive Brief


Barbie Sharp

Bus 381 - A01

Dr. Paula Offutt

Module 5- Assignment 1

April 12, 2012

Success University has implemented a plan to launch three new programs into our current curriculum which include: Business Certificate in Leadership, AS degree in Business Administration, and a BSBA in Business Administration with a concentration in organizational leadership. Presently, we have constructed a team form the corporate office to ensure success in the launching of this project. Our team consists of faculty, graduates, admission staff, student service personnel, and a marketing representative. Success University has not only created a culture within the team to create a unique diversity, but has also given these individual explicit leadership roles to ensure our new programs success.

My first plan to the development of my team was to do an assessment on each of my team members. I selected to analyze each team members (MVPI), which consists of evaluating their motive, values and preferences inventory (Hughes, 2009). I not only wanted a diverse team but I wanted a team that had a combination of values such as, affiliation, culture, rationality, business, tradition, security, and power. By this analysis I was able to implement the task that we needed to address and put the right team members into the right roles to ensure success. In addition this team consisted of task-oriented, relationship-oriented, and situational team members that would be able to lead their subordinates as we get the program launched (Hughes, 2009). The benefits of having a high-functioning team would enhance trust, and increase performance that would result into job satisfaction, staff retention, shared purposes, and a sense of community. My goal was to maintain a healthy, cohesive team that had the ability to be innovated and communicate effectively (Simon, 2009), (Schultz, 2006). As a leader of this team and acknowledging that this is a change within Success University; focus needs to be directed towards the change and consistent scanning of external environmental changes in setting a vision in support of these innovative goals of change, economic, technological, competitive, legal, and social challenges (Hughes, 2009).

Strategies that would help initiate a cohesive and unified team would begin with the task structure and ensuring that all members of the team would have a clear purpose, expectations and goals offered to them. This would endorse a communication strategy that would describe and set the goals for this project and team members will have a clear perception of the tasks as well as the final outcome (Simon, 2009). My second strategy would be to empower my team. As I had assessed my team I have focused on their interpersonal relationships and have determined that I have a creative team (Schultz, 2006). By giving each team member a chance to make decisions and encourage them to make opinions on the tasks will motivate my team. This would allow for information-sharing where employees are empowered to share their ideas. My third strategy would to implement a team award for a team member who has exhibited a strong developed leadership skill. This will not only allow for this team member to work harder but will also inspire other team members to strive in development for a reward (Hughes, 2009). My fourth strategy would to implement a training and development program for my team. This would include training in areas of individual differences in ability, concerning expectations, motivation, job involvement, locus of control, self-efficacy, in addition to assessing the team's hierarchy of needs (Schultz, 2009).

When ready to launch my team will have to look at many different variables such as; identifying the community need, utilizing innovated thinking, determine how to make Success University's programs different, establish team's internal buy-in and manage change, construct your core team of committed professionals, bring your leadership passion to the project, and determine your marketing plan (Armstrong,2009). In planning of these projects the team will have to focus on the universities mission and how these new programs will fit within the community they are trying to reach. Have face to face meetings that allow for your team members to think together for innovative approaches for your launch. By doing this your team will be able to come up with potential barriers and cost efficiency that could prevent your launch. Focus on how the new programs will interconnect with the present university's programs (Armstong.2009). As a leader, I have found that employee's will add strength to a new program if asked to evolve and challenge the new concepts with you. However the leader must establish the right team members and know their commitment to the success of the project. As a leader you need to align the assignments and responsibilities that will focus and energize your team. In addition, define your marketing plan and how you will reach out to the community that are creative and innovative ideas and focus on your brand messaging. In addition, you will reach out to the community that are creative and innovative ideas and focus on your brand messaging (Armstrong, 2009).

When developing are new academic programs we cannot lose site if our goals after we have prepared our timeline. By keeping our goals and following through with the goals we have set we will be able to define and deliver our project with great expertise and suitability. We can do this by accomplishing the deliverable goals such as, assumptions, objectives, constraints, marketing, advertising, student enrollment process and launch date. With goals in mind the team needs to keep aware of the planning resources, time, and how to overcome obstacles. My team will have to take measurers in monitoring quality control and work on the assurance that the project is on plan or not (Armstrong, 2009).

For evaluation and monitoring of my team and of the individual itself; I would like to utilize a couple different



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