Should Cell Phones Be Allowed in School?
Essay by Morrison Chappell • February 28, 2016 • Essay • 519 Words (3 Pages) • 1,088 Views
In today’s society everywhere we look, people all over are constantly with their cell phones. Whether we are driving (which is strongly not recommended), walking down the hall in the school, or even in class. Cell phones have become a part of our everyday lives. However, it is always a controversy in the classroom between teachers and students whether cell phones should be allowed in school. Students like me enjoy texting during their classes, but teachers however, greatly oppose to it.
I personally, am not one of the students who has an addiction to my cell phone. Although, they are many people that I know who are. I am not the one in class who gets caught texting while the teacher is trying to teach and has to be told to put the cell phone away. When they catch students, teachers find that cell phones can be very distracting. If a student is texting during class they cannot provide the full attention that is required to learn and take in what the teacher is saying. That makes trying to explain a subject to someone almost entirely pointless. Teachers come to school to educate students because it is their job, and they find it disrespectful if a student is texting instead of listening.
I believe that teachers do not oppose texting in class because they are mean, or don’t want students to socialize. Rather, they do it for the student’s benefit of getting a more proficient education. They are trying to prepare us for our future and the lives we will have after high school. If we do not learn what we are taught to during our high school years, we will not be prepared for the advanced subjects that colleges or universities throw at us. After high school we will be responsible for ourselves, and it will be our loss if we don’t learn what we are supposed to. When one attends college, it’s usually because of a desire for higher education. So wasting time is his/her fault and will greatly impact the individual.
Perhaps there could be a