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Should Cosmetic Surgery Be Supported?

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Should cosmetic surgery be supported?
Trinh Hoang Long

CityU University of Seattle  

Should cosmetic surgery be supported?

      In the display actually present-day society, the probability of fulfilling the demonstrate body and the perfect confront is fair a touch and Around the globe, plastic surgery is increasing as not as it were a liberality saved for the well-off but moreover as a fast and basic approach to change any undesirable physical flaws. Katie Duzan, through the article “The Advantages of Plastic Surgery”, insists that plastic surgery, also known as cosmetic surgery, is the enhancement of the body through surgical procedures (Duzan, 2014). Plastic surgery incorporates non-surgical methods like Botox where surgical methods incorporate liposuction and breast enlargement. Everything from liposuction to bosom update, to Botox infusions, are quickly turning into the standard instead of the extraordinary case. Millions of people undergo plastic surgery each year. According to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, in the report “Cosmetic Surgery National Data Bank Statistics” (2016). Americans spent more than 15 billion dollars on combined surgical and nonsurgical procedures for the first time ever, of which, surgical procedures accounted for 56% of the total expenditures and were up 3.5% in this year. The International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery also concludes that the United States held the top spot for total number of surgical procedures performed with the percentage of 14.7% followed by Brazil at 12.7%, Mexico (4.8%), South Korea (4.6%), and India for 4.4% in their “International Study on Aesthetic/Cosmetic Procedures Performed in 2015” (2016). In reality, while a few patients think that plastic surgery could protect a relationship or accepted with unreasonable results, a medical specialist, David Castle, his group found out that other than positive results, plastic surgery can cause destitute post-surgical impacts for a few patients. “There are several studies linking that dissatisfaction with plastic surgery procedures could be ended up as bad as committing suicide. From one of those, the National Cancer Institute researchers that breast implant was four times likely to commit suicide than other plastic surgeries patients of the same age” (Dittmann, 2005). Consequently, it is self-evident that no matter how great the plastic surgery progressions, it continuously has the negative impacts of the surgery bringing almost undesirable results.

People these days can be exceptionally cruel and brutal. They could comment an individual by his or her appearance without considering the kind of torment that the comment delivers. For instant, ‘Gosh, look at that nose that kid has!’ or ‘Jesus, he definitely looks exactly like a toad!’ Imagine people who receive such negative barrage constantly. This is enough a major reason to drive people to undergo a cosmetic surgery (Secure Teen, 2014). Surprisingly, Botox, a strategy which is able to diminish wrinkles have gotten to be viral among teenagers as it was, to begin with, authorized by FDA for utilizing of beauty care products in the year 2002. Botox is a cost-effective and less intrusive frame of cosmetic surgery method. It has been made common to individual particularly young people since it is reasonable, where what teens require the most that period to have a place and to recognize themselves. Consequently, in order to have a place to their perfect group and they need to be endorsed for particularly among their peer group, they might experience distinctive sorts of plastic surgery, however, most of them experience Botox. Moreover, teenagers willing to provide anything to fit with their peer groups whereby looking great from the appearance will be the fastest way to get their particular peers’ endorsement. This does not as it related to the desire to have a great looking appearance that leads them to take radical moves but to relate to the benefits earned with the great looks they have. Due to appearance is an exceedingly individual thing, people ought to have right to show themselves as they need to, and be surer in their society. The right to have plastic surgery is an essential personal right and a huge arrangement to reach flawlessness. Plastic surgery is a personal choice and should to be finished for herself or himself, not to fulfill another person's desires or to endeavor to fit a idealize picture.

From “An investigation of changes in body image following cosmetic surgery”, Sarver et. al proclaim that some patients die from the actual surgery and some patients commit suicide after having a cosmetic procedure (Sarwer, Brown, & Evans, 2007). Other studies show that there are some negative outcomes such as poorer self-esteem, a desire to obtain even more surgery, and high rates of body dysmorphic disorder (Castle, Honigman, & Phillips, 2002). Following Suissa report in 2008, “Addiction to Cosmetic surgery: Representations and Medicalization of the body”, for some individuals, there is an overwhelming addiction to plastic surgery for several reasons. One reason is that people who undergo plastic surgery are increasingly unsatisfied with their body overall. As they begin to “fix” one part, they realize the imperfections of other parts and aim to “fix” those other parts. A second reason is that societal definitions of beauty change across time. With this change and with plastic surgery being a readily available tool, plastic surgery becomes addictive to keep individuals abreast of the “trends” (Suissa, 2008). Regardless of the dangers related to beauty products, a huge number of people proceed to seek after surgery. The reality that huge numbers of patients are repeat clients appears to show that they are not fulfilled with their bodies and/or appearance indeed after beginning beauty products procedures, which can be an addictive and constant interest, may be clarified in portion by other psychopathological issues that people involvement, like body dysmorphic disorder. Sarwer and his colleagues showed that 3-15% of cosmetic surgery patients have a form of BDD and that 90% of these patients experience worse symptoms of BDD after surgery than the symptoms that existed before the surgery. Perhaps, the most shocking finding from this study was that of cosmetic surgery patients with BDD, 57.8% dealt with impaired psychological functioning after surgery by committing suicide (Sarwer, Brown, & Evans, 2007). Consequently, in spite of the fact that beauty products may offer benefits to a few, it is clearly not a “simple fix” for body and/or confront concerns for all patients. In any case of these dangers, people still seek after surgery and a number of mental hypotheses have been put forward that offer clarifications as to why this determination happens.



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