Essay by 24 • November 11, 2010 • 787 Words (4 Pages) • 1,264 Views
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0:00 The movement opens agitatedly as the orchestra picks up fragments of one theme after another
from the previous three movements, as if seeking a satisfactory vehicle for its expression; but each is
discarded in turn.
1:15 The first seven notes of the main theme to come are tentatively uttered, but it too is abandoned
as the search continues.
2:17 Once again the theme begins, this time in the woodwinds, but it soon breaks off.
2:46 Finally, the theme emerges decisively in the basses for a subdued first statement.
3:24 The second statement is calm, tranquil, confident, and the theme continues onward in the
various voices of the orchestra, broad and flowing.
4:38 The winds make a strong statement of the theme.
5:49 The flow of the music abruptly halts--there are rapid shifts--great agitation, until
6:02 the orchestra introduces the baritone singing the first three lines of the poem, rejecting the
feverish discords of the previous passage, calling for a different music, whose nature is suggested by
the strings beneath his voice:
O Freunde, nicht diese Tцne,
O friends, not these notes!
sondern lasst uns angenehmere
Rather let us take up something more
anstimmen, und freudenvollere.
pleasant, and more joyful.
6:43 The chorus echoes his "Freude!" and he is off through the first part of the ode on the main
Freude, schцner Gцtterfunken
Joy, lovely divine light,
Tochter aus Elysium
Daughter of Elysium
Wir betreten feuertrunken,
We march, drunk with fire,
Himmlische, dein Heiligtum.
Holy One, to thy holy kingdom.
Deine Zauber binden wieder,
Thy magic binds together
Was die Mode streng geteilt;
What tradition has strongly parted,
Alle Menschen werden BrÑŒder,
All men will be brothers
Wo dein sanfter FlÑŒgel weilt.
Dwelling under the safety of your wings.
7:12 The chorus recapitulates the last four lines of this section.
7:30 The theme is now presented by a vocal quartet, which continues the ode:
Wem der grosse Wurf gelungen,
He who has had the great pleasure
Eines Freundes Freund zu sein
To be a true friend to a friend,
Wer ein holdes Weib errungen,
He who has a noble wife
Mische seinen Jubel ein!
Let him join our mighty song of rejoicing!
Ja--wer auch nur eine Seele
Yes--if there is a solitary soul
Sein nennt auf' dem Erdenrund!
In the entire world which claims him--
Und wer's nie gekonnt, der stehle
If he rejects it, then let him steal away
Weinend sich aus diesem Bund.
Weeping out of this comradeship.
alternating with the chorus, which repeats the last four lines, and the quartet then sings:
Freude trinken alle Wesen
All beings drink in joy
An den BrÑŒsten der Natur;
From nature's breasts.
Alle Guten, alle Bцsen
All good and evil things
Folgen ihrer Rosenspur.
Follow her rose-strewn path.
KÑŒsse gab sie uns und Reben
She gives us kisses and grapes,
Einen Freund, geprÑŒft im Tod;
A friend, tested unto death,
Wollust ward dem Wurm gegeben,
Pleasure is given even to the worm
Und der Cherub steht vor Gott.
And the cherubim stand before God.
with the chorus repeating the last four lines of this section. Each time through the theme is treated to
ever more elaborate variations.
9:10 There is a dramatic pause at the climax of the word "God", and the theme emerges rhythmically
transformed in the winds as a military march, matching the martial words of the tenor in these lines:
Froh, wie seine Sonnen fliegen
Happy, like thy Sun which flies
Durch des Himmels prÐ'cht'gen Plan,