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Six Stages Of Moral Reasoing

Essay by   •  June 15, 2011  •  662 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,280 Views

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Six Stages of Moral Reasoning Paper

We, as individuals in this society, question ourselves daily based on morals and values. Simply turn on the computer, television, radio, or open a newspaper and one can question the values and morals of the society we live in today. The media highlights and draws attention many negatives in our society. This can lead us to believe our decisions are ethical. This is why we must make ground rules for ethical decision-making.

Politics have been in the news recently due the November elections. In Pittsburgh, the election of the mayor has brought many ethical issues to the surface of the current mayor receiving gifts of plane rides to New York City from businesses in the city and receiving tickets to charity golf classics from a large hospital in the area. In staying with this political arena theme, I thought of the lobbyist in our state and national capitols. On September 14, 2007 YAHOO News reported life in senate was about to change. "Senators will no longer be able to take gifts or junkets from lobbyists. Senators' spouses will be banned from the lobbying business, unless they were lobbyists before their spouse's most recent election or before they married a senator. Senators and their top aides will have to notify the Ethics Committee within three days when they begin negotiating new jobs (Jansen, B. 2007)."

Original ground rules for Senators accepting gifts and junkets from lobbyists using Kohlberg's Six Stages of Moral reasoning were in Level 1 which is Pre-Conventional Morality. In Kohlberg's stage 1 of obedience and punishment the individuals' adherence to rules is backed by punishment with obedience for its own sake. (Carter, 2007) In this case the senators believe there is not a law against taking the gifts from the lobbyists so it is not punishable. Stage 2 is acting to meet's one's own interest. I believe the saying is "You scratch my back, and I'll scratch yours. "is where the senators and lobbyist are at with accepting and giving gifts and junkets. The senators are serving one's own needs and interests. I believe the bill passed by the senate will begin to change how business is done in Washington.

The change was started during the 2006 elections when Democrats campaigned against the Republic majority on Capitol Hill by what they called a "culture of corruption". The lobbying overhaul bill is an effort to make good on the promises for change. The House had the new rules on its members at the beginning of the session but the Senate waited till now in the session.



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