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Skin Cancer

Essay by   •  November 6, 2010  •  957 Words (4 Pages)  •  2,350 Views

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Topic: Use sunscreen to prevent skin cancer.

Audience Analysis: My audience is 20-25 college students. I assume they know that tanning is harmful to your health, but don't care because they don't see any harmful effects yet. They need to know what they can do to potentially protect themselves.

Evaluating Constraints: The challenges my audience presents to me are that many are pretty girls. I will assume enjoy having a glowing tan and looking healthy. I will overcome with shocking and statistics of skin cancer, as will I scare them with graphic photos.

Evaluating Opportunities: I will be speaking to a very intelligent audience. They obviously care about their future since they are furthering their education in college. I am sure these students care about their bodies and their healthy for the future. They would all like to be able to live life to their fullest extent.

Means: I will use documents and statistics mostly. I will be using categorical speech pattern. My supporting material will be graphic photos of skin cancer patients, as well as the various types of sunscreen.

Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience to wear sunscreen in order to prevent skin cancer.

Thesis: Wearing sunscreen will protect your skin from the harmful rays of the sun and help in preventing skin cancer.


Attention Getter: How many of your would enjoy nasty lesions and colored spots on your skin; Spending way too much time with doctors in hospitals, and losing your hair while having to endure chemotherapy and radiation.

Influence the audience to view the speaker favorably: I may not be prone to skin cancer because it's not in my family history, I have dark hair and a dark complexion, but I have always been apprehensive of the sun and its harmful effects.

Thesis: Wearing sunscreen will protect your skin from the harmful rays of the sun and help in preventing skin cancer.

Influence the audience to view the topic favorably: I have two friends who both lost their mothers to skin cancer. One mother had blonde hair, light skin, and a family history of skin cancer. The second mother was a brunette with a naturally dark complexion who never thought twice about a mole on her shoulder.

Preview: I will be explaining what skin cancer is, how sunscreen can prevent skin cancer, and who is at the greatest risk for developing skin cancer.

I. What is skin cancer:

A. There are two main types of skin cancer.

1. The less common of the two is melanoma, also known has malignant melanoma.

a. Melanoma originates in the skin's melanocytes- the cells that produce pigment, or melanin.

b. Melanoma is the most aggressive, accounting for 77% of all skin cancer deaths.

2. The most common is nonmelanoma, also known as "basal cell or squamous cell".

a. Nonmelanoma is the least aggressive form.

b. Between 40 and 50 % of people in the U.S. over age 65 will develop nonmelanoma skin cancer. (National Women's Healthy Resource Center)

Transition: Now that we have learned the two main types of skin cancer, let's learn how we can prevent them.

II. What are the different ways to prevent ourselves from developing skin cancer?

A. Exposure to UV rays from the sun and tanning beds is the number one cause of skin cancer. (CDC Fact Sheet)

1. Helene Rosenzweig, M.D., assistant clinical professor of dermatology at the UCLA School of Medicine says, "Use a sunscreen daily. Most skin cancer could be prevented if people would just be viligant about using sunscreen."

2. Rosenzweig tells her patients to make sunscreen a habit, like you would put on a moisturizer or cologne. (Rapaport)

B. SPF has to do with the amount of time you can be exposed to UVB rays safely, without burning. (Rapaport)

1. If you use SPF 15, you will be protected 15 times longer than a person not



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