Social Inequality
Essay by ruthy8192 • November 29, 2017 • Essay • 2,271 Words (10 Pages) • 2,021 Views
All men are created equal no matter their ages or where they are from in life. Aging and inequality is a big issue in the African American society in United States, as well as in other countries. Such has always been an argument of urgency with on the importance of aging transformation, Low income, health care, social assistance, isolation/abuse, discrimination, retirement. What is your topic? Why did you choose it?
Aging inequality is sociologically important because certain people have different points of views on the topic depending upon the way they see those of advanced age functioning in the community. Inequality has existed since the world began. Although the United States differs from other nations, the urgency of accordes the elderly has always been open over to argument. Health care affects not only aging adults but all individuals and families as well. The author said: “The property income of households headed by elderly persons rapidly increased, both absolutely and as a share of their total income” ( Danzier & Gottschalk 1995).This matter has been well known, people in the community should have a solution to that problem so that everybody could have an equal share and a better life.
Major changes have occurred in society because of these trends. The author said: “Growing down” “Slow down” (Macionis 2013: 119) How aging can transform someone’s life for the rest of their existence. What? Explain how? It is explained how the importance of learning of aging tends to gradually decrease and physically reduced mental effect, and life changes that take place throughout life. People’s faces and looks started to transform, most of the wealthy women tried to spend more money to improve their looks. After a certain time, growing old is just a normal biological process of life. Hair turns gray and falls out and the skin slowly loses elasticity.
Relative to the types of methodologies, the author states: “Sociologists conduct research to help us to understand the needs and problems of the elderly population in the United states. The evidence shows that elderly in our society are socially quite diverse.” (Macionis 2013:121). People want someone to conduct research on topic such as abuse, neglect and injuries. “According to the federal government, half of all cases of elder abuse involve neglect of older people who cannot care for themselves.”(Macionis 20013:126). Those injuries can be easily treated but they take more time to cure because of poor circulation. Illnesses are more common among elderly people because of slow metabolism rates.
The sociological perspectives that could address the topic speak to how elderly people can really enjoy their lives. One expert stated: “Well-being also reflects life–style and personal choices that are available to anyone: factors such as regular exercise, not smoking cigarettes, limiting use of alcohol all contributes to good health for people of any age”(Holmes & Holmes, 1995; Medina,1996). (Macionis 2013:119). When people exercise regularly, don’t smoke or drink alcohol, they definitely live better lives and contribute to their own good health.
Sociologically, research in the social sciences defines the lives of people of all ages differently. “ Relative income inequality Income of relative contribution to total inequality indicated that, for the total sample and each household type labor income and investment income contributed more than their shares to total inequality, while pension, Social Security, and other income contributes less than shares to total inequality.” (Table 4, Colum 4).( publication 1996.) ( ProQuest 6.) People can make many choices in their lives especially with their money. They can enjoy the sun and they can travel all over the world, can yet live in a reasonably confortable way. Many others are living with low incomes and don’t have that opportunity. Their only choice is to stay close to or live with their families for economic reasons.
The elderly are also racially and ethnically scrutinized for their rights or wrongs related to moral and ethnical issues. Placement in hospitals, nursing homes, or assisted living facilities sometimes makes it difficult for those from this vulnerable population to adjust. Additionally, minorities and low income adult African Americans face prejudice and discrimination challenges because of their race and their resources are too limited. African Americans are more likely than other ethnic groups to care more for their parents. As people get older their healthcare is limited as is their mobility and it is hard for them to get around the way they used to.
Elders deserve to be treated with kindness. According to the Federal government, most of the cases against the elderly are in the order of neglect .They are left alone and often cannot take care of themselves. Commonly abuse comes from their children, grand-children or extended family who live under the same roof. Most of the families consist of drug users or alcoholics. Abuse and discrimination could come from anywhere, sometimes from within the nursing home, in the shelter, at patient homes or in the work place.
The aging are not the only population who experience age discrimination throughout the country. In fact, this problem is more commonly reported by workers in middle age. “Data showed that the typical complaint of age discrimination now comes from people in their forties or their sixties. That's the reason the Department of Labor in 2009 passed The equal Employment Opportunity Act in 2012. This law is difficult to reinforce, because a lot of people have been victimized for their age, race and sex.”(Table 4.Volume 4.) ( Publication 1996.) ( ProQuest 6. )
Social Science is best understood in the review of the literature discipline. This major problem is governmental. It’s has been exited throughout decades in the aging community. The elderly are suffering too much and are facing a higher risk of poverty. The government funded programs like social security, SSI, medicaid, medicare and food stamps are crucial to their needs. Government should provide help for all people in the same way, most notably the elderly in the community.
A lot of elderly people are doing well without social security benefits and they do not need government help. Based on the money they receive on social security they can live. Others depend on their families, friends or on the community to survive. The system needs to provide more care, increased up health care and provide more home healthcare staff, doctors, nurses, and security to control all kinds of abuse, in addition to addressing economic problems.