Essay by 24 • July 12, 2010 • 1,617 Words (7 Pages) • 1,719 Views
The most significant of the barriers leading to the slow progress of the country in the required direction are the slow rate of development of required technology and infrastructure,feels the delegate of antigua and Barbuda.Banks and private investors will have to finance and invest heavily in the companies that will drive the transition to a low carbon economy. Public authorities must be prepared to offer the appropriate incentives and consistent policy signals and subsidies, taxes, carbon-trading schemes.
Improvents in energy efficiency, vehicle fuel economy and more dependence on the renewable source of energies like wind energy,solar energy,naatural gas and nuclear power are some of the required measures for reducing the carbon emission.It also suggests cabon sequestration as one of the potential method to restrict the same.
The Kingdom of Belgium emphasises on its commitment to Kyoto protocol and United Nation Framework Convention on Climate Change.As a prospective solution,Belgium suggests for a policy which will facilitate both knowledge and equipment flow.Also,it wishes to reduce barriers to private action due to trade distortion and intellectual property rights.It also mandates public sector investment where private sector is insufficient to meet climate change goals.
As a prospective solution for the drastic problem of global warming Bolivia suggests that developed nations,having latest technology and capital should take higher obligation to reduce the effects of global warming and counsel developing nations on technological know-how and expertise as a part of technological transfer process.On its own it can contribute to the same by afforestration,exploiting its lithium resources and using renewable sources of energy.
Brazil believes the key issue to be addressed are development of low carbon technology and reduced demand of fossil fuels by smooth technological transfer.It believes that the solution lies in aiding developing economies in setting facilities for research and commercialisation of low carbon technologies and resolving intellectual property rights and other barriers to transfer of key technology by collabarating ventures between various countries.
Being committed to development of low carbon technologies and assisting transfer of the same, Chile proposes vertical as well as horizontal of low carbon technologies to developing countries and by access to IPRs to facilitate litigation free transfer.Also,different international policies intervention have to be made suited to countries in different stages of development.
Due to lack of technology and personnel,it proposes collaboration with developed countries by proposing establishment of multinational firms on congolese land for harnessing natural gas and UN managed scheme in encompassing trade with developed and developing countries.It also abstains nuclear power for cost and safety reasons.
Cuba proposes reduction in price of low carbon technologies as well as removal of taxes and if possible,patents on these technologies and strengthening IPRs.It suggests use of low carbon technologies like hybrid cars,biofuels,CFLs and storage and cycling of carbon,nitrogen and phosphorus.
For implication of low carbon technologies,the delegate of denmark underlines the fact that innvovative and effective ways of capturing energy through other renewable ways is quite essential..She also calls for strengthening carbon trading function and believes that small town and sub-urban areas require equal concentration as the capital cities
Expressing its deep concern over the problem of global warming,Egypt suggests that subsidies need to be given to the private sector interested in taking up low carbon technology and removal of trade barriers of all types on technologies.It also shows its concern on fairness of any mechanism thats will burden developing nations with legally binding policies.
The delegate of Finland believes that there is a need of range of schemes that will suit different contexts, cultures, and environments.It suggests for bringing up of carbon taxes so that people are forced to pay for pollution and ithat the target can be achieved by executing a better link between energy system of respective states.
It suggests several solutions that could ease the development of carbon-neutral industries across the globe such as usage of a collaboration of the IMF and the world bank to fund developing countries and to form a special sub committtee under BWIs or UNEP to facilitate transfer of technology from developed to less developed countries and also increasing the incentives for firms to produce low carbon technologies such as hybrid or fuel cars.
India demands for an urgent need to identify the key emitters of carbon and to impose check to cut down emissions and urges developed nations to come forward to take greater measures to combat increasing carbon content owing to the fact that they are the major contributors.It supports that Status quo should be maintained on kyoto protocol.
Venezuela asks the developed nations to provide financial and technological assistance to poor countries to combat climate change. It emphasises on the fact that technology transfer could contribute even to the macroeconomic and social aims of the country while at the same time assisting in the transition to a low carbon economy and suggests scrapping the capitalist model of governance in favour of socialism maintaining the fact that the capitalist development model is a destructive one.
As prospective solution for the rising carbon dioxide,the delegate of Laos suggest capturing emissions and burying them in non-atmospheric reservoirs so as to reduce emission by coal-fired plants and technologies like LED lighting,CNG's and hybrid cars are proposed effective alternatives available.
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