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Song Review “three Little Birds” by Bob Marley

Essay by   •  October 26, 2015  •  Essay  •  833 Words (4 Pages)  •  3,427 Views

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Aly Hunter

Anna Grubic

University 101

16 October 2015

U101 Journal 2

        The song I think that best represents how I’m feeling at this point in the semester is going to sound super cheesy, but it’s very accurate, I promise.  The song is called “Three Little Birds” by Bob Marley.  One of the most widely-known and popular songs of all time, sung by one of the most famous singer-songwriters of all time.  He was probably the most influential person behind the popularization of reggae music in the U.S.  Most people wouldn’t recognize the song from the title, but the lyrics are easily recognizable and it perfectly sums up how I feel right now.  This song is a classic.

        I have had some mess-ups this semester to put it vaguely.  I got a C on an exam, I got in trouble, I broke my phone, etc.  It hasn’t been an easy few months to say the least.  I was sick for probably two weeks straight as well.  I also have a bad habit of stressing myself out and worrying about absolutely everything.  Plus, being 9 hours away from home for the first time ever is a big added stressor.  However, after the hurricane and the surprise trip home this past week, I agree with Bob Marley.  

Everything is going to be alright.  He sings, “Singing don’t worry bout a thing, cause every little thing gonna be alright.  Singing don’t worry (don’t worry) bout a thing, cause every little thing gonna be alright.”  There’s no need to stress out about the little things in life.  Moving to South Carolina was a huge adjustment and something I’m not used to; everything was different.  I have constantly been stressed out with classes and balancing my time and staying involved, it’s harder than they tell you.  The trip home really changed all that.  It put into perspective the fact that I have an amazing opportunity to be at a school so far away and that I’m allowed to mess up.  I chose to come here because I love it and sometimes I just need to breathe and relax because I’m tired of stressing myself out over nothing and making everything a big deal.  Bob Marley assures me that it’s not and that in the end, it’ll be okay.

        The repetitiveness of the song is so necessary.  There aren’t a lot of lyrics besides the ones I mentioned.  It’s like every time you hear the chorus though, it makes the message truer and you feel so much better.  I need to enjoy college, obviously still focusing in school and such, but there isn’t anything to stress over right now or any need to freak out.  It only makes things worse.  Bob Marley’s music inspired the world.  His lyrics allowed people to forget their troubles and I guess in a way, I want to be able to do that too.  I want to be a nurse and with that comes a lot of sickness, disease, and surgeries.  Instead of watching people worry about what’s going to happen, I want to help them forget their troubles and enjoy what they have.  I want to have an impact.  I know I’ll never leave behind as big of a legacy as Bob Marley, but that doesn’t mean I still can’t make somewhat of a difference.  Worrying about things won’t change them and that’s something I frequently have to remind myself.    



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