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Sql Business Application

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SQL Business Application

Human Resource Database Application

POS 410

Learning Team C

Jeffrey Atkins

Kevin Dahl

Brandy Jones-Hsia

Jeff Pabers

September 9, 2004

SQL Business Application

Human Resource Database Application


The SQL business application that team C will develop is a standard Human Resources Database Application (HRDA). The HRDA focuses on the basic functions of HR departments. The HRDA provides methods to insert HR data into the database, such as personnel information, job description information, and personnel benefit information, and personnel training information. The application uses this data to provide useful and meaningful reports about the human resources of the company. Also, the HRDA is an application that queries data local to the system the application is installed. The application is not a client/server application, but the principle behind the application can be used in the client/server environment. The HRDA database has been developed using Microsoft Access, and is a Microsoft Access database with forms to input data into the database and forms to retrieve data from the database. The database forms use SQL statements to manipulate and retrieve data from the database.

The Key features of the HRDA are it ability to find and display particular information about a particular employee or group of employees, a job description or an employee benefit. These key features will give the user of the system the ability to select an employee, job, or benefit and then select the particular information they wish to know about the selected employee, job or benefit. Also, there are standard reports built into the system, like an employee directory, telephone directory, employees listing by job description, employees listed by benefit name, and so on. These key features provide the means for the HR department to gather the information and statistics they need to perform their job.

The input data of the HRDA consist of employee data, job description data, benefits data, and personnel training data. Employee data consist of employee ID, employee name, employee address, job title, salary, employee telephone numbers, date hired, employee benefit plan, employee retirement plan, level of education, additional training completed, and current training program. Job description data will consist of job ID, job title, job description, minimum salary, maximum salary, and exempt status. Benefits data includes plan ID, plan name, plan description, plan type, and deduction amount. Personnel training data consist of Training program ID, program name, program type, and program describe, program location, and program instructor. These types of data inputs will provide the necessary information needed to produce the appropriate outputs.

The output data of the HRDA consist of various reports that are derived from the input data. There are standard out puts from the database that will be produced without using any user input. These types of outputs can be considered to be what one might call "canned reports". For these canned report the user can only get what the canned SQL statement produces. The second type of outputs can be manipulated by the user, by the user selecting a particular type of information, like employee, job, benefit or training and pairing it up with particular information. For instance, the user may select employee and the user wants to know the names of all the employees with a particular job title, with this second type of user input query, the user will be able to obtain the information they need. Outputs will be able to view and printed.

The HRDA is capable of being operated on a PC environment using a Microsoft Windows Operating System. The environment the HRDA was developed on was an Intel based processor computer. The intended software environment of the PC the HRDA will work on is a system that has Windows 2000 Professional or higher installed, and has Microsoft's Office XP or greater installed since the HRDA will be installed locally. The intended hardware must meet the intended software hardware requirements for the HRDA to work properly.

In conclusion, the HRDA is an application that provides the user the ability to insert relative employee, job, benefit, and training data into the HRDA database. The application also provides the user the ability to select, display, and print desired information from the HRDA database. And the application operates on a typical office PC that is installed with today's typical office automation tools.

SQL and the HRDA

The HRDA makes use of Sequential Query Language (SQL) in several ways throughout the application. The database is modified and retrieves data through the use SQL statements. To accomplish this, the use of DML statements is used. DML statements include select statements, insert statements, update statements, and delete statements. A select statement is used to select particular columns in a particular table. An insert statement is used to add a new record (or Row) to one of the standing tables. An update statement is used to make modifications to an existing row within a particular table of a database. And the delete statement will delete whole records (Rows) or fields (Columns) in a record. The combinations of the statements are used to modify and retrieve data from the HRDA database. SQL is used to Create Tables, Insert Data into Tables and Retrieve data from the Tables

The areas in which the HRDA does not use of SQL are in database creation and user security. The database for HRDA was made when the project was created in Microsoft Access. The developer did not create the database by developing an SQL script that would create the database structure. Also, the database security was not configured and still has the default configuration for the database. Since there were no security parameters required and this is a single user system on a local machine the use of DCL statement that Grant, Deny, and Revoke access to Databases, Tables, and Views were deemed unnecessary. But the principles behind these statements could still be incorporated.

Tables and fields to be included

The tables that are to be part of this HR database will include of an Employee Data tables; this will be



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