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Essay by   •  May 16, 2011  •  1,063 Words (5 Pages)  •  1,014 Views

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This paper is going to be about steroids, while using steroids in shows young children the wrong thing to do. Also steroids can have a great disadvantage on the opponents, so therefore the game you are playing is not fair, then the final reason why steroids are bad because they take a real harmful toll on your body, it effects so many parts of your body in a wrong way. They are also against the law too.

Anabolic-androgenic steroids are a group of hormones, which includes the natural male hormone, testosterone, and a number of synthetic compounds. Anabolic refers to muscle building, while androgenic refers to increased masculine characteristics. Anabolic effects are basically muscle growth. Androgenic effects produce secondary male sex characteristics like facial hair, body hair, deepening of the voice, and so on. In the 1950's scientists were trying to isolate the muscle building properties without the masculinizing effects. This lead to the development of synthetic anabolic steroids.


The word steroid simply means a class of drugs . Steroids are hormones synthesized by cholesterol. All steroids are a four-ring carbon structure. All steroids share the number 17-carbon atom. The number of carbon atoms attached to the number 17 atom determines the differences in types of steroids, and by the way that hydrogen, oxygen, and hydroxyl groups are attached.

Steroid use in Major League Baseball is a topic of growing concern. Over the past few months, different allegations toward certain superstars and their involvement with illegal anabolic steroids have surfaced. From books written by ex-ballplayers to accusations by ex-trainers of the players, steroids are clearly all over the teams clubhouses when it shouldn't be. Steroids connection with Major League Baseball today should clearly not be allowed because it gives the users a decisive edge over the clean players, it sets a bad example for the children that look up to the ball players, and most importantly it will eventually kill you.


Steroids are a drug that increases the body mass and strength of a person by a large amount when used correctly. In a sport as competitive as professional baseball, players are constantly looking for an edge over the other athletes. By using steroids, players can increase their bat speed and overall quickness gaining a clear cut advantage over the players who are completely natural. Jason Giambi and Jose Canseco are two former league Most Valuable Players that admitted to using steroids-both MVP seasons were at the peak of the players drug use.


Baseball is America's pastime, and most children across the nation watch these athletes perform every summer. With 162 games played yearly, baseball players on the television screen plenty of more times than any other sport played. So therefore if all of these famous BaseBall players are using these steroids, and it is in the media. There is a better chance that the kids who are hearing all there favorite players using them that they might think that is how you get better and make it to there level, whick is usually the MLB. (Major League Baseball)

In my opinion, you should play every sport as fair as possible, but as we all know these days people always want to gain advantages on their opponets, why I don't know.

Successful athletes rely on practice and hard work to increase their skill, speed, power, and ability. However, some athletes resort to drugs to improve their performance on the field or the court.

You may have heard them called 'roids,



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