Essay by 24 • November 5, 2010 • 540 Words (3 Pages) • 1,788 Views
Stewardship. This word has various definitions from the dictionary all the way from an employee, to the person who runs a household, to a financial administrator. This word also has a significant influence in our faith as members of the Catholic Church. In respect to the Catholic Church, stewardship basically means to care for and respect God's earth and creations. Stewardship combined with philosophies revolving the idea of stewardship are lessons that the Church teaches and makes people aware of. The Catholic view of stewardship incorporates the philosophies of the bible, truth, goodness, beauty, and unity. ." Stewardship is an objective portion of the Catholic values of honoring and using the gifts God has given us to better the world. Catholic stewardship is standing for the values and beliefs that makes the Catholic religion different from all others and symbolizes the faith in the Holy Trinity and our God, The Father. Our faith calls for us to act as stewards not only for the Earth itself, but for everything we do, or participate in and care for.
In order to understand thoroughly what exactly being a steward means and involves, taking a look at organizations dedicated to stewardship, and the Catholic Church can really show and prove to you something that is worth striving for personally. I found several organizations dedicated purely to the cause of creating awareness about stewardship, as well as showing people how to put their faith to good work in our world.
Catholic Stewardship Consultants is a Christ orientated group focused on the spirituality of stewardship. This firm focuses on teaching entire parishes and communities about being Stewards, and moving people closer to Jesus.
The International Catholic Stewardship Council goal and mission is to lay out the tools that can further strengthen the stewardship of all Catholics around the world and help put Christ's stewardship message into action.
The above organizations are dedicated to making all of God's people higher quality stewards and making the message that Jesus gave us about stewardship