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Stopping Bullying the Best Way Possible

Essay by   •  October 6, 2018  •  Essay  •  267 Words (2 Pages)  •  723 Views

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Stopping Bullying the Best Way Possible

The Rigby Report on bullying in Queensland schools released that schools are failing students who are being bullied. That may be the case, but what about the rest of the modern world being called into account?

Human relationships are suffering in many areas today. We have lost the ability to live as connected families and communities that care for the greater good rather than the distorted adoration of the few. Parents have to invest time and energy to raise emotionally and socially competent children who have healthy boundaries around things like mobile phones and computers and who know that being cruel and mean is simply not OK.

This is learned by endless hours of play with real people, pets and definitely other children. Research shows that inappropriate behaviour in young people is often triggered by unmet needs and feeling “out of control” with unclear boundaries, mixed messages and lack of loving adult guidance certainly adds to the core problem. The unsupervised over-use of screens instead of real play and connection with others may be costing our young people dearly, because the only way to learn how to get along with others is by doing a lot of it, with help from adults who show us how to be kind and gentle.The value of individuals is something that comes from within, from their character and their ability to pursue their own lives while living within a social collective. We must not lose another student to the scourge of emotional illiteracy, the absence of safe environments and the profound yearning for deep human connectedness.



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