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Story Of The Desert

Essay by   •  April 16, 2011  •  250 Words (1 Pages)  •  1,330 Views

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There is only one story that came to mind when I read the discussion assignment this week. My friend, Nettie, told me a story about the Arizona desert.

Imagine looking out of your window everyday and not seeing any green bushes or trees. Imagine seeing only grey bushes and grey bushy looking trees. This is the view that my friend, Nettie, saw everyday when she looked out of her window in the Arizona desert.

In the desert there is very little rainfall, this causes the plant life to appear grey. There is only two weeks out of the year that the desert could receive rainfall. During these two weeks, all of the plant life has to bloom and bare fruit. The plant life cannot flourish the rest of the year because of the extreme dry heat.

At the first drop of rain, everyone old and young alike runs outside to play in the rain. They all desire to enjoy what little rain they are lucky enough to receive. Within a few hours, everything appears brushed with a light green color. By the next day, there are flowers everywhere. The flowers are very beautiful; the rain really brings a lot of color to the desert.

I really enjoyed this story because when Nettie was telling it to me she really exaggerated the feeling words and the talked with her hands also. She tells me many stories, but this one is my favorite. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.



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