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Strategic Plan Development

Essay by   •  June 11, 2011  •  1,326 Words (6 Pages)  •  1,526 Views

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Strategic Plan Development

Strategic planning is a process that follows a written procedure, is regularly applied, and produces a written document, called the strategic plan. This plan establishes a direction for the enterprise and is a means of communicating that direction to all who should know it (Bounds and Harrison, 1996). This dissertation shall discuss JHTS mission, vision, goals, and objectives. Also, this dissertation shall discuss the relationship between quality and (a) compare and contrast the management style of JHTS with the management style of Wal-Mart, which has adopted Total Quality Management (TQM), (b) discuss the characteristics of Wal-Mart's TQM style and compare those characteristics with JHTS and (c) discuss the extent to which Wal-Mart's TQM practices could be integrated into JHTS.


Quality of a product or service is measured by the degree to which the product or service satisfies the needs of the consumers. Quality is always assessed from the consumer's perspective. Its focus is on customers and it emphasizes continuous improvement and learning. Benchmarking is the process of measuring and evaluating processes, products, and services against those that are considered 'best' in the industry. It facilitates quality improvement. (Thomson Learning, n.d.). Quality is grounded on three core principles: (a) focus on customers, (b) participation and teamwork, and (c) continuous improvement and learning. These are supported by the organizational infrastructure that includes: customer relationship management, leadership and strategic planning, human resources management, process management, and data and information management, as well as a set of management practices and tools (Thomson Learning, et. al).

Comparison and Contrast.

Both JHTS and Wal-Mart utilize the TQM strategic planning process. To have a successful strategic planning process, both companies described its mission, vision and fundamental values; target potential business arenas and explore each market for emerging threats and opportunities; understood the current and future priorities of targeted customer segments; analyzed the company's strengths and weaknesses relative to competitors and determine which elements of the value chain the company should make versus buy; identified and evaluated alternative strategies; developed an advantageous business model that will profitably differentiate the company from its competitors; defined stakeholder expectations and establish clear and compelling objectives for the business; prepared programs, policies, and plans to implement the strategy; established supportive organizational structures, decision processes, information and control systems, and hiring and training systems; allocated resources to develop critical capabilities; planned for and responded to contingencies or environmental changes; and monitored performance. However; the slogan "The customer is always right" does not always go in favor of JHTS. JHTS is a tax preparing company. JHTS mission is to be the Tax Preparer of Choice for the Workforce of America. We accomplish this mission by providing customers with convenient, professional and accurate tax preparation services through our network of franchised and company-owned locations. JHTS strives to provide our customers with tax preparation services of the highest quality. The preparation of accurate personal income tax returns by the offices in our network is the cornerstone of our commitment to our customers and the foundation upon which our business is built. The company will not tolerate fraud, dishonesty or any other conduct that stands in the way of this core value. We provide service that commands strict attention. An example would be if a taxpayer believes he or she should receive a higher return and our software shows differ, then we may recommend to the taxpayer to seek a different opinion. Whereas a customer wants to return an item to Wal-Mart then that company may honor the customer needs and replace it or reimburse the customer. Wal-Mart TQM management style is placing customers first. Our style place customers first, as long it does not compromise an unethical or illegal decision. Wal-Mart is committed to excellence and provides great service and products at affordable prices. They strive to satisfy the customer. Wal-Mart spent a lot of time, energy and resources to better understand the people they serve (, 2006). The company wanted to know who shops their stores and clubs and who does not; what type of merchandise they want and what they do not; what they value most in the store and club experience; and what is less important. As a Company, there is no question in Wal-Mart's mind that they understand the customers better today than they have in years.

Characteristics of TQM

Wal-Mart TQM characteristics are explained through their three basic beliefs, which are respect the individual, service to the customers, and to strive for excellence. Wal-Mart believes that the people make a difference, so they are committed to the consumers. The consumers are ultimately what will make or break the company, so Wal-Mart strives to offer quality products at reasonable prices. JHTS strives to offer quality services at reasonable prices. Wal-Mart also strives for excellence with new ideas and goals to help make Wal-Mart more successful than ever before. JHTS shares some of the same characteristics with Wal-Mart. JHTS is committed to excellence and efficiency in services and in work. This company holds itself to a high level of standard, in order to provide the best level of service. Serving the public to the highest level, and striving to keep themselves ethical and morale ensures a professional level of service.




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