Student Lessons
Essay by ayokley18 • October 1, 2015 • Study Guide • 4,686 Words (19 Pages) • 1,665 Views
Lesson 1 Wedding at Cana
At a wedding in Cana, the most unlikely has happened; a miracle. In those days miracles didn’t happen that often. When Christ’s ministry began, a whole floodgate of miracles poured out upon His people. The first came in the event of wedding and wine was the specialty.
Read John 2:1-11
- Using your footnotes, how long did weddings feasts last in Christ’s day? One week
- Christ was at the wedding with his disciples and his mother. While he was partying with everyone, the wine ran out. Why was this so embarrassing to the hosts of the wedding celebration? They wold ben publicly ridiculed
- When Mary came to her son, Christ and asked for his help. What was his response? My time has not come
- Was this the 1st miracle that Christ performed? yes
- Of course, Christ had a solution. In detail, what was it? Get watter and take it to the host
- The choice wine is usually brought out at the beginning of the celebration and the cheap wine is saved for later on whenever the guests would not notice the difference. Compare Christ to the choice wine that was brought out during the middle of the feast.
Christ | The Choice Wine |
Came a wile after god maid the promis | Came at the vary beginging |
- What was the result of Christ of performing this miracle? His diciples came close to him
Lesson 2 Nicodemus and the Samaritan Woman
The controversy behind Christ started whenever He revealed Himself to be the Son of God. Both Nicodemus and the Samaritan Woman had something to say about that.
Read John 3:1-15
- Who was Nicodemus? A friend of gods
- Why did he come to Jesus at night? He needed his help but didn’t want people to know
- What does it mean to be “born again?” to live a new life in christ
- What was Jesus talking about when He said, “Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to the Spirit”? if u hang out with godly people u will become godly
- What Christian sacrament is Christ referring to in v. 5?
- How is the Holy Spirit like:
- “a wind blowing where it pleases”? it sweeps over the world
- “You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it is going”? it speeks all over the world
Skim Numbers 21:4-8.
- Why did the Lord send venomous snakes to inflict the Israelites? To show they need him
- What did the people say whenever they came to Moses? We are sorry
- What healed the people of their inflictions: snake, Moses, or faith? Explain. The fait in god
- What is the “venom” that affects us? Sin and temtation
In class: Compare Christ to the snake in the desert.
Christ | Bronze Snake |
Lifted up on a cros to save us | Up on a crossto save the people |
Read John 3:16-21
- Is John referring to momentary doubts (small times of disbelief) or constant disbelief/ lack of faith when he writes in v18-19, “whoever does not believe”? long times
- What is the “truth” and what does it mean to live by it? To be a person of god
Read John 4:4-30
- Why was the Samaritan woman struck by Jesus’ request for a drink? Smeritans and jew didn’t like eatch other
- In class: Why did the Jews not socialize with Samaritans? Semeritens were ex jews
- What is the “gift” that Christ is referring to in v. 10? Eternal life
- What type of water is Christ talking about in v. 14? His word
- What does the term “welling up” mean in context with v.14? u wold memorize his words
- Did the Samaritan woman understand what Christ was telling her (v.15)? no she thought it was watter
- What kind of immoral “trouble” was this woman in? (not in ESV, will go over in class)
- What kind of worshippers is the Lord looking for (v.23-24)? The woship with out dought or end
- With the affirmation that Jesus was the Messiah (one of only two times in Scripture), what did the woman decide to do? (v.28-30)
Lesson 3 Jesus’ Homecoming and Exorcism
After a year of teaching and touring the countryside, Christ returns to the place where He grew up.
Read Luke 4:14-30
- Describe how and why Jesus became well-known and popular. Was it through His miracles? His good looks? His public relations team? What was it? He help people he cared and he was always at events
- What did Jesus do on the Sabbath Day? He heild the guy that coldnt walk
- If Luke 4:17-19 is representative of the tone and content of Jesus’ teaching and preaching, how would you compare Jesus’ methods to those of John the Baptist? They bothe told it to any one who lissened
- How did Jesus’ hometown folks react at first to His words? (v.22a) they tought he was crazy
- Whenever they said, “Isn’t this Joseph’s son” do you think it was said in awe or disbelief? Why in disbelief because they thougt was concived in a bad way
- Why did Jesus’ next words (v.24-27) cause so much offense to his neighbors? They thougt they were stillwating on a misia
- Christ’s neighbors were so mad that they were trying to kill Christ. They chased him up to the top of a cliff and attempted to throw him off. How do you think Christ escaped? The holy spirit
Read Luke 4:31-37
- What was unique about Jesus’ teaching? (v. 32)
- Why did the demon possessed man call Jesus the “Holy one of God”? (v. 34) because he was scared
- What else amazed people about Jesus? (v.36) he could do miricals
- What idea is present at both the beginning and the end of this Bible section? Jesus is the true son of god
Lesson 4 Christ’s Priorities
It is impossible for us to be like Christ, but the way He lived His can give us much insight. Christ always put God first.