Essay by 24 • December 21, 2010 • 403 Words (2 Pages) • 1,166 Views
Civil War
For all repeats, simply add new info. to your old card and resubmit with 19-21 pile.
Harriet Beecher Stowe /Uncle Tom's Cabin (1852)
Hinton Helper (1857)
New England Emigrant Aid Company
Henry Ward Beecher
John Brown
Pottawatomie Creek (1856)
Lecompton Constitution (1857)
Buchanan veto
Douglas reservations
Sen. Charles Sumner
Sen. Preston Brooks (1856)
James Buchanan (Dem.)
John C. Fremont (Rep.)
American ("Know-Nothing") Party
Chief Justice Roger B. Taney
Dred Scott Decision (1857)
Crash of 1857
Homestead Act
Tariff of 1857
Abraham Lincoln
Lincoln-Douglas debates (1858)
The "Little Giant"
"Freeport Doctrine"
John Brown
Harpers Ferry (1859)
1860 election
Douglas (No. Dem.)
John C. Brekinridge (So. Dem.)
John Bell (Const. Union)
William H. Seward
Lincoln (Rep.)
South Carolina secession (December 1860)
Confederate States of America (February 1861)
Jefferson Davis
Sen. James Henry Crittenden
Crittenden compromise attempt
Fort Sumter (April 1861)
Richmond, Va.
Border states
North's war aims
Robert E. Lee
"Stonewall" Jackson
Ulysses S. Grant
Trent Affair (1861)
The Alabama
The "Laird rams"
Dominion of Canada (1867)
Maximilian/Mexico (1863)
Jefferson Davis
Writ of Habeas Corpus
Conscription Law (1863)
"Three-hundred dollar men"
Draft riots
Income tax
Morrill Tariff Act (1861)
War bonds (Jay Cooke & Co.)
National Banking System (1863)
Homestead Act of 1862
U.S. Sanitary Commission
"On to Richmond!"
Bull Run (July 1861)