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Essay by   •  April 24, 2011  •  539 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,111 Views

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Observing Human Habits

People and their strange habits, where does this strange behavior come from? Last semester I was able to observe many of my peers. From this, I had noticed some unusual habits of theirs.

While sitting in my computer class at Hudson County Community College, I watched my classmates give introductory presentation in front of the class. Some of the students were moving back and forth, which made it difficult to view them. A few of them were tapping their fingers on the stand. As I can recall, one female continuously tapped her long nails on the table (to me this became an annoyance). What I noticed most was that many of them could not keep still only five people out of the 30 produced smooth presentations, those that were confident and had previous experience. From my observation, it was clear that they were nervous and scared.

Last Saturday, I went out with a group of friends for dinner. While drinking a bottle of Fruit Punch, my attention was directed to my close friend, Dee. I caught Dee tapping her glass of juice three repeated times with her index finger before taking a drink.

A few minutes passed and she repeated this act again. I also looked at my watch to discover that this habit of hers occurred every three minutes.

I was amazed. Dee was not only tapping her juice but also repeated this action at the same time span. I wanted to question Dee about this mysterious tendency except I was afraid of offending her. Several nights later, I decided to question her about this strange doing. Dee had told me, “It’s for good luck. My lucky number is three and so I must tap everything in my hand three times.” Dee believed it would bring her good luck; well so far nothing bad has happened to her.

My last observation took place the next day after



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