Support Group
Essay by 24 • June 20, 2011 • 2,103 Words (9 Pages) • 1,658 Views
Table of contents
Introduction 2
Description of the Issue Being Addressed 3
Rationale for the project 3
Aims of the project 4
The need for a support group 5
An analysis of the literature that informs the project 6
Benefits of support groups 7
Strategies of the project 8
The way in which the project would be evaluated 10
Benefits envisaged from conducting the project 10
Resources & Budget 11
Timeline 11
References 12
Appendix A 14
Detailed Budget 14
Appendix B 15
Timeline 15
Second Quarter April Ð'- June 2006 15
Third Quarter July Ð'- September 2006 15
Fourth Quarter October Ð'- December 2006 16
This project proposal aims to seek funding of $50,000 to expand the existing Prostate Cancer Support Group by employing a part-time registered Liaison Nurse and an Administration Officer to co-ordinate the group and allow them to develop the awareness of prostate cancer in the community. The funds will allow for the development of a standardised community education package that can be accessed by community groups, GP's, retirement homes, the library and other interested groups and individuals. The current support group is run by volunteers who meet monthly and feel they need some professional guidance to expand the group. It is the intention of this project to increase those meetings to fortnightly with the support of speakers and other health care professionals. The aim of this is to improve the quality of life and support provided to people living with cancer and their families.
The project goes on to describe its aims and rational, using current literature to back up evidence that support groups are a worthwhile cause. Furthermore, strategies, benefits of support groups and methods of evaluation are discussed, along with a comprehensive timeline and budget.
Description of the Issue Being Addressed
Prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in Australian men (apart from non-melanoma skin cancers) and according to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare and Australasian Association of Cancer Registries (2003) is the second-leading cause of cancer death in Australian men. It is estimated that there are over 61,000 Australian men currently living who have had a diagnosis of prostate cancer, Thursfield V. (2004). In 2001, 11,191 men were diagnosed with the disease. In the same year, 2718 men died from the disease. Of the support groups that are available in Queensland, the majority are general groups, for people affected by any type of cancer (226, 38%), groups for women with breast cancer (172, 29%) and groups for men (and their partners) affected by prostate cancer (63, 11%).
Statistical information available from Hervey Bay City Council indicates Hervey Bay has approximately 5% more 65+ years population than the state average, with this in mind and the rapid growth of the area, more needs to be done to help men with prostate cancer. The current support group has been run successfully over the last 10 years, but with all the changes in Hervey Bay, the group also has a need to evolve, in order to continue to support the increased numbers of men diagnosed with prostate cancer each year.
It is acknowledged that peer support groups are not for everyone; however, potentially many more people affected by cancer could benefit from effective support groups, but are unaware of or unable to access groups appropriate to their needs. With adequate funding, professional support and advertising, the current group could be expanded to encompass a broader community involvement.
Rationale for the project
Cancer support groups first became popular in the 1970s and 1980s, and have rapidly burgeoned as people affected by cancer have increasingly sought help and support to address their psychosocial needs. Professionally led therapeutic groups have also emerged over the past two decades as varying models of therapy have been explored under the broad rubric of improving quality of life.
Cancer support groups offer mutual support and information to people affected by cancer, predominantly those who are undergoing treatment for, or living with cancer, but there are also groups that are open to, or specifically for, carers and families of people with cancer.
With the additional funding for this project it will be possible to:
Ð'* Increase the capacity and geographical coverage of the existing cancer support group.
Ð'* Minimise emotional trauma by providing adequate education and professional support for all clients, carers and their families, by utilising the current councillor.
Ð'* Improve the quality of support provided to people living with cancer and their families.
Ð'* Give people diagnosed with a life limiting illness, a better understanding of the different types of cancers and management of the issues they may encounter as their disease progresses.
Aims of the project
The main objective is to strengthen the existing Prostate Cancer Support Group to encompass a broader community involvement. This will be achieved with the participation of professional speakers and a multidisciplinary team approach currently utilised in caring and supporting people with a life limiting illness.
The main aims are to enhance and develop the group by:
Ð'* Piloting early intervention and awareness raising activities
Ð'* Improving linkages between health services and local communities
Ð'* Continuing monthly sessions, with a view to increasing these fortnightly
Ð'* Education