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Teaching Brith Control Vs. Abstinence

Essay by   •  October 26, 2010  •  290 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,789 Views

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Government funded abstinence-only programs have only existed for the past 20 years. The Adolescent Family Life Act was started in 1981and was designed to prevent teen pregnancy by promoting chastity and discipline. (

Over its six-year history, the National Campaign has tried to encourage faith-based groups to convince community-based leaders focused on preventing teen pregnancy to see religious institutions as allies, to bring together local religious to do more to reduce teenage pregnancy. Religious groups nationwide have demonstrated that the problem can be addressed many different ways and that even the smallest effort can make a real difference in the lives of teens. (

Abstinence-only programs teach that abstinence is the only way to avoid unmarried pregnancy, STDs, and associated health problems; they may not teach about or promote contraception use. Such programs became increasingly common after 1996, when Congress allocated $87.5 million per year to states providing abstinence-only education. (

Comprehensive sex-education presents abstinence as the most effective method of preventing pregnancy and STDs but also discuss contraception as the alternative strategy for people who choose to be sexually active. A review of 28 well-designed experiments found that most comprehensive sex-education programs do not adversely affect the start or the number of sex partners, or the reported use of condoms and other contraceptive methods. In fact, many programs were shown to significantly increase these results. (

The bible has nothing to say about the use of birth control. However the biblical teaching does affirm the goodness of human sexuality, the nature of married love, and the primacy of love in human relationships. (

I believe in abstinence, why risk the chance of getting pregnant or getting a disease. The sexual bond is something very special that should be shared



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