Team Work Survey
Essay by lyannamartinez11 • November 6, 2017 • Coursework • 787 Words (4 Pages) • 1,427 Views
Lyanna Martinez
G. Berrones
Arts 1301
12 November 2017
Team Work Survey
My team and I meet once during the two-week period. We hadn’t come up with ideas of how to do the four visual aids. I suggested that each one of us do one specific visual aid and that way everyone knew what they had to. It worked out at first but; then one of my members didn’t know what to do for the 2D visual art. At the end he didn’t do the 2D visual art another member did the 2D and 3D visual art. I suggested that if he needed help I could help with ideas; we meet, and he ended up helping me instead. At the end the four visual aids came out good and I think we did a respectable job.
At the beginning of the project we realized that two members could draw well. I suggested that I work on the PowerPoint since I wasn’t a great painter or drawer. Our goal was to emphasize each ones’ strengths. In some cases, there was times when one member would get distracted with her phone and the other members would try to ask for her feedback so, that we could keep her involve. She would sometimes just try to keep to herself but, we wouldn’t everyone to be included in this project. She was always on her phone but, one of the members told her it bothered him. After, he told her that she didn’t use it much. Overall, my group was average but, we worked on how to make the project better. Since, we meet I think that was what could bring us together and make the project better.
I completed my visual aid which was the PowerPoint; I completed it on time and had the number of slides needed plus more. I thought my work was done correctly and accurately. One member that I helped and worked closely with was the person who did the game as his visual aid. His game was a matching game. The objective of the game was to match the title of the painting or artwork to the piece of art correctly. We worked together so that some of the pieces of art created by Albrecht Durer would be included in the PowerPoint. I also worked with the other members that created the 2D and 3D visual arts, so that the information of their art pieces were to be included in the PowerPoint.
We always treated our team members respectfully by being polite and constructive in communication. If two team members were disagreeing, we would vote and see which decision would be best for the team overall. We created a group chat so that we could communicate correctly and to make sure everyone was involved. No one was ever disrespectful to anyone. When it came to using positive vocal or written tone, facial expressions, and/or body language to convey a positive attitude about the team and its work I felt we did an expectational job on that. When it came to our tone everyone was nice, never rude or disrespectful. I liked that the most out of this group. Facial expressions I mean no one rolled their eyes or anything like that. We mainly just talked and had no problems. Body language we didn’t argue or feel uncomfortable with each other; we were in unity with one another. We helped each other out if they needed it. If they wanted our opinions, we would share. We motivated teammates by expressing confidence about the importance of the task and the team's ability to accomplish it by always encouraging the teammates. If someone was kind of questionable on how their work was coming out; we would reinsure that they were doing an excellent job and that it would come out great. Throughout the entire two weeks of the project we helped and provided encouragement to team members. We were there for anyone who needed help or want our opinions on their works.