Teen Suicide
Essay by 24 • November 20, 2010 • 1,914 Words (8 Pages) • 1,479 Views
Teen Suicide
To be or not to be?It's a question that's thundered throughout history and one that pulses inside each of us,at one
time or another in our lives.Still,never has its pulse been more profound or its pull more compelling than for young people in America today.Just consider some numbers."Teens suicide attempts and completions have risen steadily since the 1960's. Surveys have found that 25% of the highschool students and 10% of college students -a rate four times that of 1950-have seriously considered suicide. Suicidal teens generally fall into one of three groups:well-aggressive, or self-destructive. Therefore, any teen who mentions committing suicide should be taken seriously."(Teen Suicide,2000)
What type of people are more likely to attempt suicide?
Well adjusted,but living with stressful situations.They may be having difficulty in coping with a sudden crisis their parents' divore,for example, or the death of a friend. Failuer in school, a romantic break-up, or and other major loss could also serve as trigger.
Prepared or anxious. People who feel stressed out or emotionally down are at much higher risk of suicide. And the risk is higher still with emotional problems are coupled with substance abuse or interpersonal loss.
Impulsive, aggressive,or self-destructive. Run-always and drug and alcohol abusers often let in this high-risk group. Teen suicide attempts are usually implusive acts, and they're link to Propulsive Kids.
Other factors also play a role, and some have different impact than you might expect.On the other hand,
gender does seem to be an important factor.Many young people who are confused about their sexual potency-
or who have experienced sexual guilt or embarrassment -can see suicide as a way to stop their shame or confusion. Even though girls are about twice as likely to attempt suicide, boys are four times more likely to complete the act.
Why do so many young poeple attempt suicide?
There are a lot of reasons for the current explosion among the young, but none is more important than the stress that kids go through today. Because the is growing up is more stressful today than its even been before. A lot of factors have been blamed- everything almost from overpopulation and the breakdown of the family to pursue pressure to excel and easy access to firearms. Still, we all know thatt the cumulative weight of life's stresses makes growing up a different experience for many young people, one that can seem overwhelming to some.
Should all suicide threats be taken seriously?
Yes. Because so many young people are impulsive, threats of suicide should always be taken seriously.
Suicide is one case where it's better to guess wrong about someone's intentions than to stay silent. It's a myth
that people who talk about suicide don't do it.They do.And you won't plant a seed in the person's mind that
they wouldn't have planted themselves.
What are the warning signs?
Behavioral Changes.Warning signs can include changes in eating or sleeping pattens, withdrawal from friends and family, drinking or drug use,loss of interest in favorite activities, or giving away valued possessions.
Personality Changes. Common moods inolve anger, anxiety, or depression. Other changes to look for include aggressiveness, hopelessness, hypersensitivity, boredom, diffuculty concentrating, or unexplained decline in school performance.
Health Problem.Red flags here could involve any serious or lifethreatening illness, and even such "minor" complaints as frequuent headaches, weight loss or gain, nausea, or fatigue.At this point , we need to point out that the symptoms above don't necessarily mean someone is considering suicide.Still, they are signs of a problem and need to be considered carefully.Because the fact is that two-thirds of those who commit suuicide give some warning first. That means it's up to us-as friends, teachers, parents, or relatives- to relatives-to recognize the signal and respond, person to person.
Suicide solutions
If a person is really determined to die, he or she can usually figure out a way, no matter what anyone does. As painful as that may be, we need to accept it. Still, any young people who consider-or even attempt-suicide aren't
that determined to kill themselves. And there are a lot of things we can all do to make suicide more difficult and less likely.Since half of all young people who kill themselves do it with guns kept at home, one solution is for parents keep guns hidden and unloaded, with bullets stored separately. Researchers say that suicidal impulses usually last only
about 15 minutes . Making it past that time may be enough to defuse the situation.
Suicide among homosexul teens
"Suicidal thoughts, attempts, and completions are mu ch more common among gay teens than among straight teens, due to high levels of stress caused by society's intolerance of homosexuality and its harassment of gays and lesbians. This stress is further compounded by the fact that gay teens often feel unable to discuss their problems with friends, family, or counselors. Much of the pain, alienation, and suicidal thoughts experienced by gay teens could be alleviated if society accepted homosexuality and condemned the haressment of gays and lesbians."(James Orlando,1998)
The mental pain of depression
Depression is commonly portrayed unidimensionally as profound, all-encompassing sadness. When I ask adults and teens how they would conceptualize a depressed person, they most often describe a hollow-eyed, miserable person who sleepwalks through life before taking an overdose. There is no understanding or recognition of the rage, the fear, and the insurmountable pain that are so much a part of depression. Imagine the worst physical pain you've ever had-a broken bone, a toothache, or labr pain-multiply it tenfold and take away the cause; then you can possily approximate the pain of depression. The mental pain