Terrorism and Modern Day Witches - a War with Terror
Essay by Ethan Gurne • February 3, 2017 • Essay • 2,349 Words (10 Pages) • 1,259 Views
Ethan Gurne
Mrs. Stiff
Honors English 10
26 November 2016
A War with Terror
The passing of bitterness and the greed of men who fear the way of human progress is simply the misery that is now upon us. There will never be a world where without fear, peace, or perfect balance of equality, but striving together to make one, is what people need to strive for in order to change what is known as the undoable, the impossible. The hate of men will pass, dictators die, and the power they took from the people, will return to the people; this all branches from sources that were never intended to be a source of evil. This recently devised source was new technology that advocates for moving forward and embracing technological advancements. People could now see what was happening around the world by a simple tap of a finger or button press. Unfortunately, the media poisons the minds of others, making people drunken on the ideal of hate, greed, and a promise that will never go through. Almost always, a scant amount of cells that turn malignant and will go against everything. These malignant cells will be discouraged by the immune system or another greater protection force; they seem to always override the force and will continue where they left off before. They prove to go outside the knowledge obtained by the immune system. These select few hijack the system, acting almost as if they were terrorists, and can relate to a new fear exposed to the real world. These terrorists are responsible for the recent upbringings of terroristic calling and the battle with the Islamic faith across the globe. Sometimes acting alone, their power is always never defined, and a few can bring down the entire way we live. Modern day terrorist groups bring forth a particular hatred for nations that violate their standards, and call for new people with the same ideology to join them in the fight for their religious rewards. These modern day witches almost always show in every society; whether in Arthur Miller’s realistic fiction play, The Crucible, or in recent attacks in the desirable locations of Orlando, Paris, or Southern California. Worldwide, those in power have created a belief in evil, and through fear, media, and racial profiling, and these “modern-day witches” create terrorists that find the motivation to go after and threaten life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
On October 7, 2001, the United States had declared war on terrorism, starting the common fear that evil derives from the Islamic faith and that anybody who practiced it, was Satan’s messenger. Only 27 days after the infamous attack on the two World Trade Center Buildings, the capitol called on other states to join in the fight against terrorism declaring that "either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists." This attack was not just an attack on the people of Tribeca in New York City, but an attack on our liberty and life as Americans. Many governments joined this campaign, often stepping up domestic policing, adopting harsh new laws, and lifting long-standing legal protections. Over the years, the intransigent United States government did not talk with terrorists, however, they only have a miniscule amount of power to direct towards the minds of the nation of free mind. With recent outreaches to the people who want to believe in this extreme radical Islam, a new medium has been applied from the terrorist groups to the people wanting to make an up roar. Yet when Americans figured that the terrorists groups would never attack, fear once more projected its power over Americans; a spark landed on a grain in a dead field of harvested wheat. A series of attacks across the globe performed by these modern day witches, started a new conversation that consisted of the debate on whether their own community was safe to be in and if these terrorists were hidden under society’s thrust holds. A sense of being unsecured was Americas biggest problem and continues today. The real fear is the unknown; “what if, and when will they attack”. People who question their faith, who want something more, who want what they have been promised with the practice of Islam are the cancer cells to our society; they are wanting more and more power, but are usually killed when doing so. In a satanic way, these attacks made modern day witches, branch out and perform “Lone Wolf” attacks to threaten the life and liberty of Americans through several attacks across the globe, creating fear in Americans.
With these attacks, came the hysteria of the Islamic Faith being the source of the fear and lead to a racial profiling of people who resembled the terrorists themselves or their faith that they practiced. The news reporters and the nation of network stations that influenced the recent attacks, repeatedly threw around the idea that the attackers were in fact Muslim and were a part of the Islamic faith. As stubborn as American people are, their brains sure are impressionable and will often take one idea and run with it. The idea behind this is almost like a rodent who is scrapping for food. After days of starvation, they find a trail of crumbs on one side of the wall, but will get so excited that they found food, they will become oblivious to where that trail of crumbs came from. If the rodent would have been wiser or became more open to the things changing around it, it would notice that the other side of the wall had an overflowing mountain of food to provide it an unremitting source of food. Americans got so focused on the fact that the terrorists were Muslim and that must be the source of their attacks. However, not many know the actual truth about the subject, they continue to listen to the reporting of the topic made simple. The Islamic faith is divided into two sects of belief that are consistently fighting. On top of that, there is a group of radical thinkers that believe in absolute death to western forces that overpower their own influences on society. Muslims themselves, believe that these people should not be considered to be a part of their faith because of their idea that go against the religion. However, people continue to think that anybody with Arabic origins or practice the Islamic faith are indeed terrorists. This is in a way an attack on their pursuit of happiness; Muslims will sometimes be involved in discrimination, and even are faced with the idea of having a total shutdown of Muslims into the United States. Hate crimes against these racially profiled people, are not solving the problem and are only fueling more division between Americans and the Islamic faith. In all, racial profiling has created even more division in the United States with the Middle East and threatens the pursuit of happiness of these people and will only create more modern day witches that will continue to attack the American values.