Essay by 24 • June 6, 2011 • 1,059 Words (5 Pages) • 1,014 Views
Terrorism has been a constant concern throughout American history. Whether it is coerced on the society purposely or accidentally, terror has been utilized as a way in which people, or groups, try to get their point across through fear. No one knows as to why the people of Salem insisted on associating themselves with witchcraft, for it is nearly impossible for historians, or anyone for that matter, to go back in time and ask the group of girls why in fact they started this whole mess. Could they have been so na*ve as to truly think that witchcraft, the work of the devil, was among them? Or might they just have been looking for some attention and cried out, ТwitchcraftУ to get their names in the morning paper? Although this situation has proved to be a vigorous one at that, the issue on slavery and the mistreatment of minorities, which has been around for hundreds of years, is one in which some believe that they have the answer to. They believe that they know exactly why it came about, and why it is still evident in todayХs society. One of the most well known groups who has been one of the biggest culprits of this issue happens to be the KKK (Ku Klux Klan), for they did not only instill fear of the unknown, but rather of something much more serious. It was something in which could not have been found by the average human being but rather needed the assistance of others in order to live. The Ku Klux Klan and the people of the witchcraft crisis, whether they meant to or not, taught people how to fear, fear itself.
The whole witchcraft crisis began in 1692 due to several girls accusing some woman of bewitching them. Now read that sentence over and try not to laugh. It is one of the most absurd reasons as to why such a fear would be applied to a society. Lucky for these girls, most of the, well all of the people in Salem were heavily into the worship of God. They did believe in the devil and maybe this whole ТwitchcraftУ thing just gave them an excuse to Тcarry out the ways of the bibleУ and not think about how stupid this plea of attention was. Now on to the point; during the witchcraft ordeal, many people were believed to be associated with the devil just because they did not go to church on Sunday or a series of coincidences occurred in which one could be characterized as Тbewitching a personУ or Тmoving things with their minds.У The people of Salem who started this whole mess continued the process of scaring more people into believing that they too had been associated with the devil. That if they did one thing wrong, or un-God like, that they too would be hanged. That if they did not confess as to who they saw do dealings with the devil, that they will be sentenced to jail. The leaders of this whole mess, whether they meant to or not, instilled such a fear into these people that they caused them to in fact do the one thing that if found doing would cause the demise of their existence. They forced them into going against their religion and their God unknowingly, yet these people who insisted on finding a witch, the people who thought that they themselves were going by the bible and GodХs wishes, were the biggest hypocrites of them all.
After their defeat in the American Civil War, white radicals, known as the Ku Klux Klan, grew angry and attempted to win through terrorism what they had been unable to win through the war. Although they were not the first case of this organization, they are the one most memorable in the eyes