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Thank You For Smoking

Essay by   •  December 17, 2010  •  935 Words (4 Pages)  •  3,588 Views

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My reaction paper is based on the relevancy of smoking and how it affects today's society. Smoking is something that is introduced to everyone at a very young age, whether it is a relative or complete stranger, children see smoking in everyday life. In thank you for smoking the main character Nick Naylor spends the majority of the movie defending cigarette smoking. Everyone realizes that cigarette smoking is not good for you and for this reason most people do not partake in the habit.

So why do people start smoking people would ask? Cigarettes are an addictive drug, and once most people start the habit of cigarette smoking it stays with them. It is also so advertised and available that most people just see people smoking and pick it up. It starts early, as well when a friend offers you a cigarette and you accept is the starting point. Most people have the first cigarette and think this isn't that bad and kinda makes me feel a little relaxed. So the next time anyone offers you'll be more prone to accepting of if you see a group you go ahead and join in. This example of conformity is exactly why cigarette smoking spreads.

I believe that to defend cigarettes one would have to have very loose morals. In my opinion that the defense of a product that causes a variety of health issues that sends so many people to their own grave is quite disgusting. Cigarettes will always be a drug that can cause damage to people's bodies but they are also always going to be available. I personally will never condone smoking to anyone for the simple fact that I couldn't say to anyone "go ahead smoke it's not bad for you." I could say I wouldn't smoke because it can cause health problems. Most people are not naпve though and know that smoking can kill.

Cigarettes could have a million warnings, they could have a warning paper that smokers would have to sign before purchasing each pack that wouldn't throw them off from doing it. Cigarettes are a drug and people are addicted.

Cigarettes used to be very socially acceptable in Americas past. A lot of people smoked because it was a part of everyday life smoking was mainly meant for people of higher status and was a part of everyday life. Smoking used to be a part of everyday life for people of higher status and was accepted. Most people of lower status in the past use to have to roll their own tobacco and it was not as much of a norm. It was in the movies on television peoples favorite celebrities use to smoke. One of my memories of famous people smoking is the image of Babe Ruth smoking his giant cigars.

Camel cigarettes use of the cartoon character Camel Joe was also an early memory of my childhood. This cartoon character was a big issue during the late 80's and early 90's. The advertisements ended up being banned because of the appeal of cartoons and how they could catch the attention of youth under the age of eighteen years old.

Smoking today has also been taken out of many facilities. Shopping Malls do not allow smoking inside any of the facilities. Airplanes no longer allow smoking on board any airplane. These changes have occurred because



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