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The American Dream

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Sang Hong

Gwendolyn Marouner

ENGL 1013


                                        Bibliography Annotation

                                        Works Cited

DebChaudhury, Sudata. "The American Dream." The Global Studies Journal, vol. 5, no. 3, 2013, pp. 121-138.

Thumma, Samuel A. "Immigration and the American Dream." The Judges' Journal, vol. 56, no. 3, 2017, pp. 1.

Tienda, Marta, and Susana M. Sánchez. "Latin American Immigration to the United States."Daedalus, vol. 142, no. 3, 2013, pp. 48-64.

Donato, Katharine M. "Understanding the Economic Consequences of Mexican Immigration to the United States: Much done but More to do." Work and Occupations, vol. 35, no. 2, 2008, pp. 189-195.

  1. “This paper is an integral part of a longitudinal study of Indians who initially came to the United States, from the ‘60s to the present, in pursuit of a dream—for the specific purpose of fulfilling academic and/or professional goals—and who eventually elasticized their stay as they became permanent residents, naturalized citizens, adopted dual citizenship, or, as in some instances—noticeably in the last few years—returned to India.” The journal is to inform the readers about how the population of Indian immigrants has changed from 1960 to 21st century. As the third most growing population in the country, native born people are tended to frown upon the immigrants. The Journal quotes, “For two I interviewed recently (whom I will call Arun and Ravi), it was both overt and subtle. Arun said: “Every morning as I drive into work and show my ID at the kiosk, the guy looks at me like there’s serious injustice in the world. Like I should be in that kiosk, and he should be behind the wheels of my Prius. They look at me like I have stolen something.” Said Ravi, “I feel the same way, and I am not even an engineer.” Moreover, “Academics, journalists, and entrepreneurs in this country continually nurture the fear that the Indians (and Chinese) are coming—in droves—to whisk away American jobs.” This source will be useful, by using these quotes to support the issue of immigrants in the U.S. As in the Book of Unknown Americans, all the characters were immigrants, who are looking for their American Dream, also trying to avoid any conflict between the native born.
  2. In the second source, the writer talks about how in modern days, the conflict between immigrants and native born are arising. “Immigration. The word has meaning, to all of us, in wildly different ways. Nearly all of us are immigrants or the descendants of immigrants. So, it is personal. And facts-and myths-about immigration terminology, law, and policy abound. These issues are ubiquitous in modern life.” The author addresses about how “Nearly a quarter-150 million people-said they wanted to move to the United States.” Furthermore, the author talks about the benefits of immigrants, “Immigration touches us all in a variety of different ways, including personal and family history, day-to-day experiences, visceral reactions, policy choices, and legal issues and decisions.” This source will be useful by using the following quotes to support the topic of immigration. Also, it’ll be used as an additional support to the first source. Since, both sources talk about the American Dream for the immigrants and the native born.
  3. The third source talks about an overview over of immigration from Latin America since 1960. First, the author provides statistics, “Both the size and composition of the U.S. foreign-born population have grown since 1960, rising from 9.7 million to nearly 40 million in 2010” to catch the reader’s attention of how much change there has been with Latin American population. The author then talks about the policies and histories of Latin Americans, also how they grew from the 1960 till today. The author also mentions the negative side of immigration. “The growth of undocumented immigration since 1960 is not only a distinctive feature of the current wave of mass migration, but also a direct consequence of selective enforcement of U.S. immigration laws.” Furthermore, the author provides more statistics to show the readers how illegal immigration is a great issue. “Latin Americans make up over three-fourths of undocumented residents, with 60 percent from Mexico alone.” In the end, the author suggests few solutions to these problems. “After the year 2000, births outpaced immigration as a component of Hispanic population growth in the United States; this fact underscores the urgency of closing the education gap so that the children of Latin American immigrants can become productive replacement workers for the aging white majority” This source will be helpful on both side of the immigration topic. Also, it represents as a fairness of information, by presenting statistics for both side and consideration on both sides.
  1. The fourth source informs the readers about the economic consequences that follows with Mexican immigration. “In his new book, Mexican Immigration to the United States, George Borjas continues a long line of research that articulates how this rising tide of immigration is linked to our national well-being.” The researchers had believed that the language barrier would have limited the immigration workers, however “barriers created by English language difficulties limited self-employment, but this effect was less important for people living in immigrant enclaves.” Also, the researchers would have expected to have an economic growth, since big companies were hiring workers for low-rate labor. “However, in contrast to these expectations (which derive from economic theory), most of the increase in the supply of low-skill labor was absorbed within industries and did not lower wages.” Furthermore, the author writes a statement toward the readers, “As scholars we owe it to ourselves and our nation to synthesize existing ideas across disciplines to advance understanding about immigration.” This source will be a great help on using it for the negative side of immigration in U.S. Also, for using as a solution to the topic, since it is essential for the citizens to be informed the consequences that follow with immigration.



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