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The Beginnings of Industrialization

Essay by   •  January 22, 2018  •  Exam  •  604 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,042 Views

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The Beginnings of Industrialization

The Industrial Revolution

Increase of machine goods that began in England in the mid 1700s

Later spreads throughout Europe and North America

Agricultural Revolution

Enclosures- Fenced i fields created by the landowners

This enclosure had two important results

Landowners tried new agricultural methods

Large landowners forced small farmers to become tenant farmers or to give up farming

Agricultural Inventors

Jethro Tull:

Invented the seed drill

Allowed planters to sow seeds evenly

Grow crops more successfully

Charles “Turnip” Townshend:

Crop Rotation- proved to be one of the best scientific developments

Robert Bakewell

“Selective Breeding”-Only breed superior animals

Bigger animals=more meat

More food = More people

Why England?

Large Population of workers

Surplus of people

Healthy young people who are able to work

Extensive natural resources



Iron Ore



Many People were eager to invest in new inventions

Great Britain’s banking system provided the availability of the loans

Britain had all of the factors of production that were needed for the industrial revolution to take place



You need a population to work in your factories

You need a surplus of people



Technology could be counted as a fourth

Industrial Revolution Notes 25-2

Positive Effects:

Jobs for workers

Contributed to the wealth of the nation

Fostered technological progress and invention

Increase the production of goods

Raised the standards of living

Provided the hope of improvement in life

Produced tax revenues

Good economic success

Increased efficiency

All classes saw their standard of living rise

Child labor laws

Increase trade

Increase wages

Less hours

Regulate Pollution

Environmental laws


Child Labor


Living conditions/housing

Bad working conditions

Lower life expectancy

Gender wage gap

Pollution increases

Originally worked long hours for low wages

Factory conditions

Mean bosses

Beat children

Industrialization Spreads 25-3

Industrial development in the US

The US had the factors of Productions




The war of 1812 forces US to be more self-reliant

Great Britain didn’t want to share industrial secrets

Samuel Slater built a spinning machine from memory

Single, young women from rural areas flocked to work as mill girls

More independent and higher wages but watched closely

Industrialism Spreads

Industrialism also spreads to Europe

Railroads are key

Geography held some countries back

Impact of industrialization

Increase competition between industrialized nations

Increase poverty in less developed nations

Widens wealth gap between industrialized and nonindustrialized countries




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