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The Birth Of Venus

Essay by   •  June 14, 2011  •  5,122 Words (21 Pages)  •  4,517 Views

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F. The Birth of Venus was created on canvas with the use of

tempera paint. Botticelli would hand grind a material that changes according

to the light that it reflects, also known as pigment. The powdered pigments

are traditionally mixed with egg yolk which dries quickly and stays firmly in

place (Saitzyk, 245). During the Renaissance, fabric such as canvas were

used instead of the popular wooden panel. As tempera is a durable paint,

canvas is a durable fabric made of flax or cotton. In addition to painting,

canvas is used to make items such as sails and tents which require stability

and resilience (Saitzyk, 135).

G. Alessandro FilippiƐ''s, also known as Sandro Botticelli's, youth

remains a historical mystery. A common story is that he was in poor health

through his early childhood and then went on to be trained as a goldsmith

until his twenties when he began to paint. We do know, however, that

Botticelli apprenticed in the workshop of an artist by the name of Filippo Lippi.

In 1467, he was left by his master in Florence and apparently joined artistic

careers with Verrocchio (Angelis, 3). After returning to his family for a short

period of time, as indicated by tax records, Botticelli continued his career with

the support of the Medici family, one of the most powerful families in

Florence, Italy. He left Florence in 1480 to help decorate the Sistine Chapel in Rome with some of his art which only the most famous painters of that time were invited to do. In 1482, Botticelli returned to Florence and shortly after painted the Birth of Venus (Angelis, 4).


A. Even though I would love to visit and view the Birth of Venus in

person, it is located in the Uffizi Gallery in Italy which makes it difficult.

However, the Uffizi Gallery has constructed a virtual gallery which allows

individuals like myself to view the masterpieces it holds from afar. I

actually did not find the gallery first, I didn't even know where the Birth of

Venus was located until searching online. Therefore, I chose this painting first

and then went on a web search for it's home. The Uffizi Gallery website

consists of a complete catalogue of the pieces it holds which can be searched

for alphabetically or by artist. The site is very easily navigated by a first time

visitor and even has directions on how to go about navigating through the

site. Also, as opposed to other sites, once you click on the pieces title you

are given a good amount of information on the piece and a complete image.

Overall, the site was a good source of information and a simple guide to

the actual gallery.

B. The story of Venus's birth in roman mythology is exactly what I

see in Botticelli's painting. There are several stories of her birth, but the one

that I was told was that of the battle between Uranus and his son. During the

battle, Uranus was castrated and his genitals had fallen into the sea. From

the waves, Venus was born, blown to shore by the wind God Zephyr and

clothed by the goddess of the Seasons. This painting depicts that allegorical

content and it also symbolizes the birth of beauty and love. There is a calm

elegance of Venus's movement as she is blown to shore with her masses of

hair entangling her. This painting seems to shut out everything, but beauty.

The curves of the lines shape Venus's body to contribute to her supple beauty

while the horizontal and vertical lines of the sea and the trees add depth to

the painting.

The color and light of the Birth of Venus aid the most in showing

her beauty and telling the painting's story. Most of the painting is engulfed in

light which gives off a light mood. The corners of the painting a more dark

and shadowed which diverts the viewer's focus to Venus in the center. The

light allows the viewer to focus on the symbol of beauty more that her

surroundings. The bright colors that are used also give off a calm and

tranquil mood and direct focus. Venus's skin is painted brightly and more

white than the other people next to her to show her purity and beauty. The

painting also emits a sense of movement. The hints of white



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